The trim is in!


New Member
I've been smoking weed for 40 years and it's my favorite time of year,when the outdoor trim starts rolling in heavy and damn near free.

Yes it smells like hay,yes it's harsh,but it's the promise of what's to come and that freshness I love. (When I grew the stuff I'd smoke it plucked directly off the plant.)

The local weed has always had distinct characteristic,both young and mature, it's a creeper. You're hitting it,it's not doing much,it's harsh,you're ready to ditch it and wham!!!.......You're on the floor.

Two,it's when you can prove to your smart-ass know-it-all Mr.Weed buddy,(you know the guy), that male plant can get you high. Set him up with a couple of bong hit of male flowers and let 'em say "Hello" to him. You can draw stuff on him while sits there and drools.

If budrot doesn't get the crops,it's gonna be a good fall.
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