Thrips! should i crop them now?


New Member
hi all,i discovered today that i have thrips on a grow in doing thats around 2 weeks into 12/12 im not to concerned about this though as i have a product "BLOCKOUT" to controle it.My problem is that ive now noticed they are also on another grow i have running but this one is 57 days into flowering and was due to but croped in 2-3 weeks my question is should i crop it now and how can thrips effect my buds and im also concerned about there shit deposits or should i treat them and continue to flower for another few weeks but also this product isnt recomended to be used after 6 weeks into 12/12 any advice would be greatly appreciated :smokin:
best regards..creamm
Re: Thrips ! should i crop them now ?

It's the larve that's really nasty with thrips. The adults usually fliy or hop around from leaf to leaf. Shake a plant heavily infested and a cloud of fying insects apppear around it. It's the waste they leave behind that is really harmful to you. They fill bud with shit. Literally all over the place. Once you treat them they also die in the bud so you end up smoking not only bugs but their waste with them. I had a crop get infested with thrips. i threw it out after one look at a bud with my PC microscope.
Re: Thrips ! should i crop them now ?

cheers for the reply Racefan, ive chopped them down i checked the buds with me usb microscope and couldnt see no shit at all m8 but there was masses on the leaves so i had to trim most leaves from the branches im afraid before hanging,so fingers crossed ive salvaged most. :smokin:
best regards..creamm.
Re: Thrips ! should i crop them now ?

Ive cleaned with bleach matey from top to bottom and will work on filters tommorow but then i open the room for feeding an things so im assumeing they will come back......i think i need move the wifes houseplants outside or just burn em to the ground as im sure thats where there from :rofl: anyways ta for the input Racefan and gimi a few weeks an ill sort a smoke reports,but please no thrip shit jokes :grinjoint:
best regards...creamm
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