Time to ask the pros!


New Member

He is currently working on my first attempt at a personal science adventure. He began reading and setting his station up two months ago.

He is currently in week five of my adventure and he wanted to get some feedback from a few veterans.

He is currently running with 160w fluros, in combination 72,000k. They are simple aquatic lamps.

He is working in an awkward 3x3x5 space available for growth.

1. 38 cm day 35 9lb mix, 2lb moss, .5tbs bonemeal.
2. 11.5 cm day 14 1lb mix

To be honest, he just needs some definite information on the potential of his setup to be most productive. He is looking for advice on if he should begin the 12/12 stages now or soon, seeks the highest total quality of his yield.

He is concerned with his lighting, it is the only thing that is not upgradable.

Images resizing.


Hmmm 3rd person? With what you have thus far 5 weeks into Veg, ( He is presuming) and wnats to turn back the lights to a 12/12 to bud in with a 5' height room.
Are they all females, then yes go to 12/12 if they are in 3 gallon containers at least.
Any taller they will prbably see no growth in the lower branches.

Forgot to mention above, his light cycle for the past 35 days has been 24/0. The sex of the plant is not determinable. Maybe the smell that dominates his basement tells something?

Images have not yet been re-sized.


If your just wanting small time stuff, then I would say your lights are fine. As for going 12/12, people say it's best to have atleast 6 weeks of veg, maybe longer depending on what the plants look like.
Small time quantity is perfectly fine around here, the question is can there be any quality. The smoke is more important than quantity.
He decided last night in a St. Patrick's day fashion that one more strip of lights could be used, if it could actually make a worthwhile impact. He still cannot move up to HPS, the sales area has already determined that.
Finally, an image of what he's dealing with.

35Days 24/0
Okay, no more third person. I started the thread mucho floaty.. ya know.

I was wondering mainly about how much penetration my lighting will achieve. The plant has not shown sex yet, but the size is becoming an issue. I have looked over and over at images. It seems to me that in the flowering stages, a plant nearly triples in size.

I will take a more descriptive photograph of my space to give you more of an idea what I am talking about.

When i referred to highest quality, i mean. The densest nugs possible, regardless of the quantity received. Top Cola focus, whole plant focus, etc.

The smell I was referring to is a very potent smell, I was not aware of any smell coming from a plant until it has begun flowering. I hoped that the smell would indicate thc production, hence female genes.

Pictures coming soon.
without any indication of sex, should i still take a clone?

If so, from where

will it grow in humid soil, i have no rooting solutions

In my space, would a 250w HPS with enclosed ballast make it too hot.
https://www.aquaserene.com/ >>>lighting >>> Sun System 2.
With the flouros I am running between 76-84F.
No direct ventilation set up as it stands, intending to get an intake and exhaust set up this week.

For the time being, its only air circulation.
It will heat it up bigtime with an eclosed balast..over 90F IMO

I would agree. It may get even hotter then 90. Your dealing with a pretty small space. 3'X3'X5'. I would recommend a light with a detached ballast as well as a ventable hood with a very strong fan pulling air through the light. Even then I wouldn't guarantee it. I usually only recommend floro's for a space of that size. You may do better to look into a good T5 lighting system.

Okay, next question.

Since I cannot find a 250HPS with a separate ballast would it be "cooler" to try a 400w with a separate ballast?
Or maybe a 150w?

the space totals 63sqft if i did my math correctly
If necessary I could open the side space up more, to allow for more air flow, but the growth area would not change.

i, or rather a friends neighbor, has a 2' X4' closet which is smaller than yours and use a 400 w in there with no problem, it has a 4 inch exhaust though. I, ehem they have no troubles with that exhaust and 2 400's also. They both have separate ballasts which is the key. I only have about an inch crack under the door for fresh air intake. The temps are the coolest in my whole house.
haha, yes. Thank you.

Yea, third person is difficult when you're thinking so in depth about a system.

Refer to my 1st post, it wasn't even flawless. He is currently in week five of my adventure"

Thanks again. I am thinking about opening up a much larger space on the side to allow for air flow. It would be an impossible area for growth, but do you think the extra enclosed area would disperse heat better? I'm pretty sure it would, but i would rather know before cutting holes into my walls.
250w HPS Lumatek Digital coming soon. MH/HPS conversion. Separate ballast.
Since my last posts, I have lowered the temperatures during day down 10degrees. Running around 75. I eliminated my vent to keep temps at 80 today. Fluctuation is only till the HPS comes. Then I should be able to run low 80s hopefully.

I am super stoked!

Lumatek is a good ballast. I have 3 of em now. No problems so far. If the temp does get to high I would recommend looking into CO2. having a high CO2 level will allow you to run hotter temps with no problems to your plants at all. You should be able to run around 90 F. For a space your size you could probally get by using those CO2 buckets.
Thanks, I will.

Day just started temp is 73.

I expect it to raise to 75 with my fluros on.

If I can run the HPS at 86-88 I think I should be okay.

beginning day 4 12/12 flower, still waiting on sex!

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