Time To Tell The Truth About Cannabis For Kids With Cancer, Says United Patients

The General

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San Francisco - Where are parents to go when cries for the miracle of marijuana fall upon deaf ears, forcing families to torture their children with toxic cancer treatments? This is the question at the forefront of a new pediatric cancer awareness initiative taken by leading medical marijuana patient resource site UnitedPatientsGroup.com and its partner, the Cash Hyde Foundation.

"Each day an average of seven children die from cancer in the U.S.," said John Malanca, founder and owner of UnitedPatientsGroup.com, the leading medical outlet for trustworthy cannabis information online. "The majority of these deaths are not caused by the cancer itself, but by dangerous cancer treatments that cause organs to fail and little bodies to shut down."

"One drop of cannabis oil can give these children instant relief from the suffering caused by their condition, and a cannabis regimen can stop the cancer from growing altogether," John said. "It's time for facilities and federal entities to accept the truth about cannabis, stop spreading misinformation, and give families a fighting chance. Our phone rings off the hook daily with calls from around the world. Desperate families from the UK, Panama, Pakistan in addition to the U.S. reach out to us in dire need of one last chance."

Mike and Kalli Hyde, founders of the Cash Hyde Foundation, are no strangers to the struggles faced by families scrambling to get access to cannabis as an alternative treatment option for their child's cancer. Just one year ago, their 4-year-old toddler Cashy succumbed to his battle with brain cancer after a valiant fight fueled by life-saving cannabis oil was cut short due to government regulations restricting the quantity of oil the family could obtain.

"Cashy was a living example of the power of cannabis," said Mike. "He was frail, weak, and comatose — he was dying — before we gave him cannabis oil - then he came back to life and ***he beat cancer twice. That was no coincidence. We experienced the miracle of marijuana first-hand and now we're here to make sure other parents get that same chance."

Parents, Mike says, like those who travel great distances to find the best treatment options for their children every year, travel to states like Utah, which is home to some of the nation's leading cancer facilities. But according to Malanca and the Hydes, the state still has a long way to go when it comes to accepting cannabis as a pediatric cancer treatment.

Mike, a 2013 Missoula, Montana mayoral candidate and seasoned public speaker, and his wife Kalli, a registered nurse, are spearheading cannabis education and awareness in Utah with an upcoming tour to clear the air of misinformation clouding the judgment of policymakers and research facilities in the area.

United Patients Group is taking the reins at home by keeping parents and patients well-informed on the latest news and resources, and providing hand-held guidance for adding cannabis as a part of their cancer treatment. The partners are also continuing fundraising efforts to help give back to children's hospitals in the Bay Area and beyond.

With the leading network of doctors, scientists, strain breeders and oil makers in their corner, United Patients Group and the Cash Hyde Foundation are more motivated than ever to fight for the personal rights of pediatric cancer patients across the nation.

About UnitedPatientsGroup.com
For more information about the UnitedPatientsGroup.com/Cash Hyde Foundation pediatric cancer initiatives, visit United Patients Group or call (415) 524-8099. UnitedPatientsGroup.com is a discreet, safe, and professional online medical cannabis information resource for prospective and current patients, caregivers, and medicinal cannabis industry professionals.

While most online medical marijuana sites cater to patients already familiar with medical marijuana, the UnitedPatientsGroup.com website is a comprehensive and easy-to-use information source for people of all ages and experience levels, from novice medical cannabis users to experienced industry professionals. The site's News, Resource, and Blog pages introduce new patients to the ins and outs of medical marijuana healthcare, while helping experienced providers stay abreast of the latest developments in THC and CBD therapies.


News Moderator - The General @ 420 MAGAZINE ®
Source: Digitaljournal.com
Author: Press Release
Contact: Contact Us - Digital Journal
Website: Time to Tell the Truth About Cannabis for Kids With Cancer, Says United Patients Group and Cash Hyde Foundation - Press Release - Digital Journal
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