Too much Heat

jimbo B

New Member
Could someone tell me if to much heat will stunt the grow? I try and keep the temp. at 80'
but the temp. has gotten up to 90 +
Thank you Jimbo
Re: To much Heat.

Sometimes it will make them hermie if you can keep them alive. I just shut down my grow in the summer because the temps just get too high and I don't feel like buying an AC unit to keep the temps down. T5's help a little but any light source produces heat. You could also try one of the watercooled fixtures designed for hps to try and keep temps down. Here in Washington you can't legally grow outside otherwise I would do that.
What kind of grow house do you use, lights or cooling for the lights? I live in New Mexico and I had let the dark time be during the day to reduce the heat and lights on at night when it's cooler. Then I broke down and bought a small portable A/C unit and all is well.
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