Trainwreck x Lavender starting to flower - Is that normal?


New Member
My trainwreck x lavender is starting to flower, it is outside, and the solstice just happened so the days are still long. Is that normal for these genetics? It was planted as a clone on 5-27.
how old is the plant?
They will show signs of sex without being in full flowering at a certain point. If the clones came from a mature plant it is highly probable that it is just showing its sex. Some seem more prominent than others. I had a dutch passion that we crossed with train wreck and I barely sprouted those seeds. My only experience with the TW is smoking it and some oil from it which btw was some of the better oil i've smoked. Post a pic if you can. Then we can help for sure.
if they get lots of shade every evening and or morning, they could go off this early.
Hey, I'm growing a couple of these too. Mine started flowering a month into the grow. They seem to be healthy if not a bit short at 3.5' tall.

I'm moving to a heavy molasses tea (two tbs per gallon) for flowering.
Thanks folks.

Templeplate, sounds like we are having similar results. Mine is not too tall either, probably about 3.5 foot. Seems like it is still stretching a bit and the bud sites are starting to fill in a bit. I figured it was likely genetics as plants right next to it and planted at the same time (different genetics) are not flowering yet. I guess the question now is when will it finish? Luckily I am in no hurry. Having fun with the whole process. It's kinda neat to have one doing something else anyway.
Hey whats up norcal-med, I am growing Train Wreck and some hybrids all were under 24hrs HID 3400wts and 2 of the Wreck X Mango Haze went into flower. IMO some of the hybrids are unstable and have widely varying phenos that require a trained eye and paying attention. I killed them and have been progressing fine with all others hope all works out well.
Keep us Posted.
Here are some images of mine at 44 days after purchasing the clones from ARC Healing Center in San Jose. They seem healthy--one or two whiteflies--but good and green and not dry. The only thing I've done wrong--according to Jorge Cervantes--is to foliar feed them every day I don't water them with molasses tea). I figured the potassium set the bloom in motion. But if you're having an early bloom, perhaps it's a strain thing.


This one is LST'd; the other is taller and has been pruned twice.



I hope this doesn't amount to hijacking the thread, but these are blooming nicely and only a month-and-a-half after being brought home!
Wingman, can I ask why you killed them rather than let them finish?
unstable and have widely varying phenos

When space is expensive and numbers are limited many prefer a uniform representation of the genetics rather than a wild orgy of diversity. Unstableness can also refer to a seed stock that may tend to go hermie under even the slightest hint of stress.
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