Trying to learn

Like as an example... I had to shut down my last grow right as I was about to get a mother chosen. I pitched a ton of clones and black compost. Tossing the compost hurt the most. Below is a clones 1 week in soil I decided to throw in the bloom tent instead of toss with all the rest. No roots really just right into bloom. One shot of tea, only water after that. No fuss no muss. But the soil and tea aren't over the counter. And the room was dialed.

And those were rock hard bouncing off the table when I cut them not even dried yet.
Like as an example... I had to shut down my last grow right as I was about to get a mother chosen. I pitched a ton of clones and black compost. Tossing the compost hurt the most. Below is a clones 1 week in soil I decided to throw in the bloom tent instead of toss with all the rest. No roots really just right into bloom. One shot of tea, only water after that. No fuss no muss. But the soil and tea aren't over the counter. And the room was dialed.

And those were rock hard bouncing off the table when I cut them not even dried yet.

Awesome! No Roots? Just WOW lol o_O
Actually... it was worse. I had no clones in soil. I had a bunch in a hood. I was about ready to start using some. I took 3 with decent roots that weren't ready but the 3 best and put them in soil and a week later into the bloom tent. I just couldn't throw out all that compost. It is black gold magic.

This is all from that journal below. All documented in there.

Next time I have a chance I will do Undercurrent organic live but I have a pile of things to do before I am ready. And with my new brew it may take 3 or 4 runs to dial. I am hoping next summer I can do this.

Anyway normally I wait for better roots than this. Only one is ready IMO. But the others came out nicely just not as full. Same quality but not as heavy. The weight is all about the root ball.

This guy on supper cheapo cheater nothing super soil and tea. I recycled the soil from here into the compost that made the ones above.

And that was grown on 3 part basic rudimentary soil and tea every few weeks in bloom only. Nothing but water and sugars in veg. For the microbes.
I am going to a local hydroponics store today to talk to them some as well. I am wanting to learn new ways and see what I like best and daily it in. I eventually want to try breeding my own strains but I have so much to learn first.
Start a journal and we can show you. It is incredibly simple. I can teach you a super cheapo way that you can't fail unless you are lazy. But I also think the way I do it now is even simpler so I don't know. I really don't know how to fail at cloning as I have been successful countless ways. You pick a medium and it will work. Just takes a spray bottle and patience and a low light. Preferably a hood. Makeshift ones work too.
So like in the 90s I did breeding and whoa buddy there is so much to learn first.

The hydro store guys will smell that you are a newb and try to sell you on Advanced nutrients or some other brand they have a good markup on. They are all the same really but they make more money on you comming in. They wont try to sell you on making your own nutes or soil.

It is a good place to start though. Ask them if they have any advice for you on home brew teas. If they don't have an answer...wrong store.
I would like it if you taught me to make my own nutes and tea. I went to these guys before and they were nice they helped me get set up and they told me what to get and even would tell me like "hey you want to use this but don't buy it from here it's too pricey you can get the same thing cheaper on Amazon." They would also tell me what they use and that it was a suggestion not the set way.
Sounds good. I used to have access to 4 stores but now I have none. There is a co-op I can get into round these parts. Like an hour and 15 away I think there is a store going to the next town down the road.

There us one store like you say in the east metro area of Portland I trust and away better than the rest...and it is the hardest to get to...LOL. I think because it is in a suburb in the middle of farming country is why honestly. The other ones...I go in and ask questions and play stupid and they lose my business.
Yeah it's rough here because they only just legalized it here little over a year ago and so it's rough. Some of these guys came over from California and grew there. But I do like the idea of making my own nutes if that means I can save money without sacrificing quality. As you were saying before about buds being dense or not, I have only had airy buds so I would like to get them more dense for sure.
So like I said to get fancy awesome stuff whatever that is...takes a lot of knowledge. None 6if us can explain it. It is experience. We can explain things if you ask. But how to make awesome buds...that's a big question.

For the issue of density there are a few things.

Cold temps esspecially at night help...but really they fluff durring the day because of heat. If they are fluffy they are too hot. If they are too hot they will grow slow. You also will burn off a ton of resin and THC.

So for rock hard dense potent weed you want the temps cool in late bloom. You want them high in veg and early bloom when you are stacking up the blooms. When you get to the filling out and ripening get the temps way down. High temps are good for fast growth but bad for ripening. And as always temps is really a trio of that plus humidity and CO2. So if the temps go up so does the humidity.

Also have a big light.

Also have the right nutrient profile and healthy rootball and strong stalks. Those take other techniques. But over built rootball and stalks helps.
Sounds good. I went and talked to a guy at the store. He got me set up for a single plant hydro grow. I'll try to post pictures once I get it going. It's just a simple bucket set up but he got me set the cheapest he could. He told me he himself tried hydro but he preferred soil. I told him I want to try and learn and see what works best for me so I can hone that technique.
Start a journal. It's a snap. That is a good place to start.

What nutes are you on?

Did he talk to you about live versus sterile? Did you choose?

Gotta run myself and make space for my tent. I gots me some sprouts and no place to grow them. This break is my big try and get my tent back up weekend.

Start a journal. It's a snap. That is a good place to start.

What nutes are you on?

Did he talk to you about live versus sterile? Did you choose?

Gotta run myself and make space for my tent. I gots me some sprouts and no place to grow them. This break is my big try and get my tent back up weekend.


No I didn't know there was a live versus sterile. He reccomend for nutes the Canna part A and B. He said it will be good to start with and is cheap. He even gave me a feeding schedule for it as well as some calMag.

I will look into the journal when I get home. I plan on taking a couple of lower branches and trying to clone so we will see how that goes.
So just post a link here and we will get ya squared away on both.

There is a lot more to nutes but he is right that will get you started.

You should hold onto the schedule but you realy should...out the shoot try and do it by res readings.

The res tells you each day what it wants you to do based on how it changed from the day before.

If it just goes down and the ppm and pH stay the same you are dialed. If the water level is not dropping you have a problem...deeper in the grow. If it is dropping and the ppm is going up you have a problem.

There is a lot more to it but instead of the schedule you should be monitoring your system and making mild slow adjustments. Then the pH takes care of itself.

As for live or dead...I will write you about that in your journal. That is s bunch of stuff I don't have time for tonight. Go look it up. Many people maybe most run sterile systems with water chillers.

You don't have that. You have a small setup with no chiller to keep the bacteria down.

The res is going to be a soup where bacteria will thrive. So you can try to fight it and never really win spending money trying to make it sterile or get on board and make it full of the good kind of bacteria. If it is overpowered by the good kind rhe bad kind don't win.

You honestly may have troubles unless you regularly add a dose of beneficial bacteria.

We can chat later. Read the first link in my signature.
So just post a link here and we will get ya squared away on both.

There is a lot more to nutes but he is right that will get you started.

You should hold onto the schedule but you realy should...out the shoot try and do it by res readings.

The res tells you each day what it wants you to do based on how it changed from the day before.

If it just goes down and the ppm and pH stay the same you are dialed. If the water level is not dropping you have a problem...deeper in the grow. If it is dropping and the ppm is going up you have a problem.

There is a lot more to it but instead of the schedule you should be monitoring your system and making mild slow adjustments. Then the pH takes care of itself.

As for live or dead...I will write you about that in your journal. That is s bunch of stuff I don't have time for tonight. Go look it up. Many people maybe most run sterile systems with water chillers.

You don't have that. You have a small setup with no chiller to keep the bacteria down.

The res is going to be a soup where bacteria will thrive. So you can try to fight it and never really win spending money trying to make it sterile or get on board and make it full of the good kind of bacteria. If it is overpowered by the good kind rhe bad kind don't win.

You honestly may have troubles unless you regularly add a dose of beneficial bacteria.

We can chat later. Read the first link in my signature.

What exactly is res? Sorry for all the questions. But you have been a big help and built my confidence up on this.
The reservoir for the soup is referred to in short by res. In your case with a single bucket you are not circulating water so you have a bucket. But your res is the soup the plant sits in. You want to keep it cool. Without a chiller it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. Either fight it or get on board.

I choose the whole get on board because then I get to use my cure all tea in my hydro.

What is crazy is it doesn't matter at can go back and forth and should. In a way I do but I try not to. I try to just run the whole grow by topping off based on the res readings. Also... every other week I add tea instead of nutes on a feeding. Then you dont have to worry.

I know people who run only on tea I just have yet to try. May last run I did probably 2/3rds on my tea. I may be ready to do it only on my tea.

I need a vortex brewer setup to do that though as last time I was adding 5 gallons of raw tea faster than I could brew it. So this spring in hope to get a nice one going.

I feel if I set up the means I could run on my brew no problem. I have done many soil grows on it only. In hydro you really burn through it doing multiple plants.
Well we will see how this goes. I took 4 cuttings and cut the ends at a 45 degree angle, trimmed the fan leaves, dipped them in cloneX cloning gel, put them in rockwool, sprayed them with water and under the dome, and now placed it in my veg tent. The light is 30" above the top of the dome and the tent is 75 degrees.


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So the secret is to keep the medium moist not wet. The roots need oxygen. Ni more water for the rockwool.

What you have done is the You tube standard which is way more than I do.

I taught myself how to clone before the internet existed. I believe that is why I have such great success.

That method works well just understand they will fall over and look like shit for a while befor they come back. When they come back they are no ready. Using this method.

Even using this method you are doing I don't use cloning hormone nor do I cut the fan leaves. I understand why some people like to do it. I have mine in a hood so it is better to not clip them. It makes no sense if you are under a hood. This is legacy stuff carried forward from pre hood days.

The problem most people have is keep the medium too wet. Let it just be moist enough to tease out the roots.

I also like to keep them in lower light and temps. I like to shut down photosynthesis while it reverts to making roots. I like to keep the temps low so it doesn't transpire. I want it to stop what it was doing and start making roots. I do not want vegetative growth. I want it to eat the leaves it has to make roots.

So I put them in low light in a normal room off to the side.

If you do this and it is in a cool, medium light location, it needs less spraying and is easier to deal with.

So what I say is you over complicated it and did unnecessary steps. Then placed it in an environment not conducive to reverting to root growth. Including over watering.

Which is what YouTube tells you to do. Not your fault.
So the secret is to keep the medium moist not wet. The roots need oxygen. Ni more water for the rockwool.

What you have done is the You tube standard which is way more than I do.

I taught myself how to clone before the internet existed. I believe that is why I have such great success.

That method works well just understand they will fall over and look like shit for a while befor they come back. When they come back they are no ready. Using this method.

Even using this method you are doing I don't use cloning hormone nor do I cut the fan leaves. I understand why some people like to do it. I have mine in a hood so it is better to not clip them. It makes no sense if you are under a hood. This is legacy stuff carried forward from pre hood days.

The problem most people have is keep the medium too wet. Let it just be moist enough to tease out the roots.

I also like to keep them in lower light and temps. I like to shut down photosynthesis while it reverts to making roots. I like to keep the temps low so it doesn't transpire. I want it to stop what it was doing and start making roots. I do not want vegetative growth. I want it to eat the leaves it has to make roots.

So I put them in low light in a normal room off to the side.

If you do this and it is in a cool, medium light location, it needs less spraying and is easier to deal with.

So what I say is you over complicated it and did unnecessary steps. Then placed it in an environment not conducive to reverting to root growth. Including over watering.

Which is what YouTube tells you to do. Not your fault.

I was actually following this. Cannabis Cloning Made Easy... Roots in 7-10 Days! | Grow Weed Easy
It seemed to be well written.
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