TX: Marijuana Fight More And More In The Spotlight

Ron Strider

Well-Known Member
The push to reduce the penalties attached to marijuana is getting easier and easier to see in Texas. A new TV ad featuring cancer survivor Heather Jackson and Dallas Police Officer Nick Novello will soon begin airing in parts of the Lone Star State.

"Arresting people for marijuana possession does not make our communities any safer" Novello said in the ad's opening, later saying "Criminalizing people for marijuana possession does far more harm than marijuana itself."

Jackson recounts her experience of being arrested for possession.

"It has affected so many different things in my life" she said.

Both support a bill that would remove the threat of jail time and criminal record for possession of up to one ounce of pot.

Meanwhile, supporters of a "medical marijuana" bill in the Texas House are set to rally and march in Downtown San Antonio Saturday Afternoon. The rally begins at 3 PM at Sabinas Coffee House on Commerce Street, organizers said the march will begin promptly at 4:20.


News Moderator: Ron Strider 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: Marijuana Fight More and More in the Spotlight - KTSA
Author: Bill O'Neil
Contact: Contact - KTSA
Photo Credit: None Found
Website: KTSA - Stay Connected San Antonio
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