U/A Test - Two/Three Week Window


New Member
So, yes, I've read hundreds of these feeds. I'm aware of the THC in the fat cells. I'm aware there is no full on "trick" to pass a urine test. However, I've found some interesting things along the way. If I fail, I fail, and I have no one to blame but myself - however, I'm moving back to my home city in a week to deal with my parents who are in failing health. It's been over a week since I've smoked. I'm Male, 5'10, #180 pounds - and will not have time for sufficient exercise (though packing and moving my life will be some extra pounds spent). I have not drank alcohol in over 5 years (not that it matters, but any factors might be important) but I smoke cigarettes and was a daily toker (went through a quarter every 2-3 weeks by myself)

I'm not going to strap anything to myself, or borrow anyone's piss. I have at home tests to take as I'm dealing with initial interviews to see how I'm going.

My question is this - it's all about burning the fat cells, right? Will any of the herbal cleanses (meant for weight-loss, not specific THC DETOX scams that are everywhere it seems) help the process along. Again, not looking for the mask, or the "instant cure" - I have no problem abstaining from smoking until I get settled into a job and my new life, but I'd like to be as prepared as possible in case I luck out in finding employment soon after my move.

I will be happy to drink water (do anyway) and cranberry juice on a daily basis and all that jazz - but not for the quick fix, just because doing so in the correct doses is healthy as well.

I'm just curious if anything will help.. even to say shorten what would be a month long detox down by a week. I'd prefer something that won't kill my body, but would be used for other purposes anyways. I'm a smart guy, I just don't want to waste my money. If I have to wait an extra week for my home-test to get clean, then that's what I have to do. I know I can't be the only one that has been in this position (where a month is just a *bit* too long a window) - So, let me know what you've got! I'm getting tired of reading everyone elses forums where it's a fight back and forth - I just want to hear what has personally worked for YOU, and I can make the decisions from there.

Thanks all.
Just abstain, eat healthy, a daily vitamin at night time, stay away from fatty foods, drink at least the daily minimum amount of water. Do not use those products for the quick fix, it could make the problem worse. If body fat is dissolved too quickly, then a good amount of the stored THC will be released with the fat also. It'll show up in your blood, urine, hair, saliva and sweat.

There is really no 100% quick fix, if there was, I would like to patent it and make a couple billion.
Because thc is not water soluble and can't be washed out of the system like other drugs, it has to be burned off. The detox kits work by diluting the ratio of THC metabolites in the urine. You can do the same thing with a sports drink.
If you want to get clean naturally the only thing you can do is exercise and eat a high fiber diet. Then 3 days before the test you switch to a high fat red meat diet, That will slow down the burning fat cells and thus reduce the levels of thc in your urine. Buy a couple of cheap thc test strips off of ebay and test yourself a few days before the drug test to see if you can pass. And even if it does look like you'll pass still use some dilution the morning of the test.
Do not use those products for the quick fix, it could make the problem worse.
- I think the OP is referencing if the detox will help the overall goal of removing THC sooner. Like me, I'm not looking for a drink to pass a test within the next hour, but rather help aid in the process of removing THC sooner. So do these help and what about the herbal detoxes?

The OP has a 2-3 week window, I would assume some sort of detox would help aid in the process given the amount of time before the test.

I hate to hi-jack a thread, but I just registered to pretty much post the exact same question above.

Does drinking cranberry juice actually help speed up the process? Or does it just limit THC content in the urine as you are closer to your test?

It seems like there are things to do directly before the test, but there may be other things that aid in the overall process, assuming you have plenty of time to prepare.

Regarding the high fiber, I've read that taking Metamucil might actually help as well.

I was thinking about doing a combo of daily cranberry juice, Metamucil x3 a day, and daily exercise.

How much of an improvement does this actually make? Are we talking about flushing out your system 20% sooner than if you did nothing above? Is it like a 5-10% difference? I know it's going to vary depending weight/frequency of use/THC content, but just some kind of generalization would be helpful. If we're talking about a 1% benefit for trying to flush your system through cranberry juice and fiber (Metamucil), then it might not really be worth trying.
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