US - MMJ Bill in Congress


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Bill in support of the medical use of cannabis introduced in Congress

IACM - 2005-05-15 -- Republicans Ron Paul (Texas) and Dana Rohrabacher (California), along with Democrats Sam Farr (California), Barney Frank (Massachusetts), Maurice Hinchey (New York), and 25 co-sponsors reintroduced legislation on 4 May in Congress (House of Representatives) to permit the medicinal use of marijuana by seriously ill patients in states with a corresponding law.

In announcing the bill, Mr. Frank was joined by television talk show host Montel Williams, who uses cannabis and says it is the only thing that has eased his suffering from multiple sclerosis. "It makes no sense at all to have the federal government overriding a vote of the people of a state on what should be criminalized and what shouldn't be criminalized in terms of personal consumption," Mr. Rohrabacher said.

HR 2087 seeks to reschedule cannabis under federal law so that physicians may legally prescribe it in states that have recognized its use under state law. It would reschedule marijuana from a Schedule I (criminally prohibited drug) to a Schedule II (prescription-only substance) and also permits the establishment of medical cannabis distribution systems by state legislators. Ten states have laws that effectively protect medical marijuana patients from arrest: Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington. A Maryland law protects patients from the threat of jail but does not provide protection from arrest.

In July 2003 the House of Representatives rejected a similar bill. It was defeated by a vote of 273 to 152, which was closer than expected. In 1998 the vote in favour of a resolution condemning state medical marijuana laws was 310 to 93.

Source: BBSNews 2005
Copyright: 2005 Associated Press, 2005 Washington Times
Contact: Contributed by: michael
Website: BBSNews - Retrouvez l'actualités sur les entreprises

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