Using Hydrocorn rocks first time - Flowering, PPMs and confusion


New Member
For years I used the ebb n gro pots system with sure to grow inserts. These held tons of water and by flowering i would water just once a day possibly once every other day using advanced nutrients and had good results.

So naturally the sure to grow people disappear and suddenly I'm forced to switch mediums and started using hydrocorn rocks...totally different of course watering every 3 1/2 hours or so no clue what I'm doing really. Anyway they take off a bit slow in veg then do well. I start flowering, plants get huge and start developing the buds. But now I'm in week 6 and the buds dont seem to be growing. The plants are green and very healthy looking top to bottom...only very tips of fan leaves burned a little at the top part of the plants.

My concern is I'm underfeeding. I'm around 750 ppm, which looking at what some here use for there plants seems low. The strain is K2, and with the inserts I would run it 580-650 ppms during grow so it seemed to be a light eater (of course the inserts were like soaked sponges so hard to compare with the rocks). Currently as it waters the ppms slowly go up, which means to me they are being fed enough, maybe just a lil too I'm afraid to raise the ppms.

Anyway just looking for advice. Is it possible I may need to add another week? Raise ppms? Should I just leave it alone? Any help would be appreciated I'd really hate to have these finish poorly.

Can anyone help? People say my nutes are low but the plant is green and lush, with some tip burning at the top not alot. To me that meant if anything it was burning at top because it was a lil strong. Help please!
Can anyone help? People say my nutes are low but the plant is green and lush, with some tip burning at the top not alot. To me that meant if anything it was burning at top because it was a lil strong. Help please!

Just trying for 500 views with no response. Plants are fucked. :thanks:
Sup ups,
Burning of tips may be a calcium or magnesium issue. But its hard to identify the problem if you don't provide pictures.
Can't help you with ppm, wich conversion rate are you using? (.7 or .5 i think) You should be able to raise eC up to a 1.5 while flowering.
I'd recommend to upload some pictures so expert growers may take a closer look.

Anyway, wish u good luck
Just saw this. I agree pics are worth a thousand words.
Im in flower and running just under 1000ppm with all my nutes and additives and have just the slightest tip burn from when i f'ed up and hit them with 1500ppms for 2 days. They will tolerate ~1200ppms with no probs and i will be pushing it to that next rez change. If your grow is still happening post some pics and i will help out with my .02
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