Utah Mother Wants To See Medical Marijuana In A Liquid Form Of Treatment

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A Utah mother whose 11-year-old son has severe epilepsy is helping to launch a legislative initiative to legalize a liquid form of medical marijuana in the Beehive state, which may put a new face on the issue.

The face will be of children who could potentially be helped by a strain of the drug, not of unkempt potheads who roll their own weed.

Jennifer May, of Pleasant Grove, believes a hybrid form of cannabis offers hope to patients, such as her son, who suffer from Dravet syndrome, which can trigger hundreds of seizures a day for its victims and limit the life expectancy to 18 years or fewer. Her family currently spends more than $75,000 a year on medication in an effort to provide some relief and hope for their child in dealing with his epilepsy.

Annette Maughan, president of the Epilepsy Association of Utah, said there are at least 30 families in the Beehive state that would be affected dramatically by access to the drug. There are more than 100,000 Utahns overall who have epilepsy, she said.

Currently, a form of medical marijuana is legal in 18 states. Under Utah law, possession of one ounce of marijuana can carry a sentence of up to a year in jail.

Maughan and May said the legislation they hope will run in the next legislative session will be crafted so narrowly, it may offend groups who want the drug legalized for recreational use. They envision the drug being available from only two pharmacies, with very tight parameters on who could potentially access it. They have declined to say who will sponsor the legislation, but remain convinced that, with education, the issue will move forward and can be approved in the next session.

Maughan said two of the key ingredients in the cannabis plant – marijuana is a slang word used to describe the plant – are CBD, which has medicinal value, and THC, which is the psychoactive ingredient. Recreational marijuana has five or six parts THC for every half part of CBD. The liquid form used for Dravet patients in Colorado has 15 parts CBD and one part THC.

"You could go to the high school and get better weed than this drug we're using," May said.

The unique derivative of cannabis May and Maughan want epilepsy patients to have access to is only available from one organization, Realm of Caring, based in Colorado Springs, Colo. Maughan said the unique plants can't be grown from seed; they have to be cloned from other plants.

"It's the most promising medication we've heard of. It has the least negative side effects. It's not a miracle drug, but it has hope," May said.

Known as "Charlotte's Web," the drug helped one Colorado girl who was experiencing 300 seizures a week – and not walking, talking or eating – transition to a life where she now has one seizure a week and is beginning to learn to ride a bike and live life more fully, May said.

May and Maughan recognize the issue in front of them in trying to legalize any form of marijuana. They say they have targeted lawmakers who will be the hardest on the issue, to approach first. Maughan said they will systematically approach legislators in an effort to pick up momentum for the issue.

"It's a snowball once you get the true word out there," she said.

She said most neurologists they have contacted as part of their efforts are also on board, because they have heard of Charlotte's Web from Colorado.

Maughan said the Epilepsy Association doesn't have years to invest in trying to get the drug legalized.

"If it does take years, our children will be gone," she said. Regarding eventual passage, she said, "It will happen."

"Right now all we care about is our kids and this one medication. The point is people will always say, 'I had no idea you could use cannabis and not be high,'" May said. "This is not a fun drug, it's just a medicine."

May said the issue of persuading lawmakers in a red state to consider a form of medical marijuana is not as daunting as it sounds.

"We quite frankly aren't concerned," she said. "It's just a matter of contacting them and working with them."


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Source: standard.net
Author: Antone Clark
Contact: Contact the Standard-Examiner - Standard-Examiner
Website: Utah mother wants to see medical marijuana in a liquid form of treatment
Scientifically proven CBD works; the same government who lock up it's citizens for utilizing it has a patent on this compound. When will the The Village Idiot stop Dictating what medicine we take!
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