Vegative stage


New Member
HI I like to know how long I can keep a plant without it budding. I would like it for cloning. it is about 5 foot high right now. and still growing. how long will it live for ??? it is under 18 hours of light .
as long as your light stays the same and you take care of her, she will live forever, as long as you don't have an autoflowering stage, they won't start budding until you change the lights to 12/12.
thanks alot Crimson. should I crop the top of the plant or let it grow higher. how high will the plant grow. the strain is White Rhino Cross Powerplant. is there a height and it will stop getting higher???. I have more and I put them outside. around 3 weeks ago. now they are starting to bud. I thought instead of putting under a 12 hour light suddenly . I put them outside and they will get that naturally as the season changes. do you think that is a wise move??? I hope once the buds grow i take some pics .
she will grow until you start flowering her, so as long as you keep her happy she will continue to grow.

If you plan on keeping her to give clones, definitely cut the top and you can even use that as a clone, it will make the plant grow bushier, and provide you with more cuttings. Moving the plants outside to flower is a wise idea, when it's earlier in the season and there is more than 12hrs of light per day, they will stay in veg mode outside, but right now the days are shorter than 12hrs, so they will bud right away.
well I live in Bulgaria in the mountains. and they just started to bud about 6 days ago. so far from what i smell and see . looks promising:) .you have been very helpfull The Crimson. thanks for all the info:) your the dude!
nice it sounds like you have it under control. You made a good move by putting them outside, they will grow nicer fatter buds outside. Just keep an eye out for pest or another creatures that could come near and harm your plants. It will take about 8-10 weeks maybe a bit more before they're ready.
nice one . well I have alther stuff growing out in the garden. maybe the pests will find them more nourishing. it didnt put them in direct sunlight but in a shaded area. just a little direct sunlight hits them throughout the day mainly early morning and late evening. the sun here it still pretty intense during the day .
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