Vegetable glycerin in tea?


Well-Known Member
Question: has anyone used Vegetable Glycerin in their tea?

I ask because I bought this big jug of vegetable glycerin to try and make some concentrates. Meh that was a waste IMO. But now I have it.

So the point of it is that it isn't sugar and is predominantly used by diabetics in lieu of sugar. But it is vegetable mater that tastes like sugar. And I didn't want to dump it. So I thought meh lets throw it in the tea and see what happens.

So far looks good. Any chemist out there know what I am making? Is it just good food for breeding?

Edit: the more I think about it and glycerins uses I would imagine this makes for an impressive foliar bacterial spray. Providing glycerin with the microbes directly on the surface like the BRIX guys are doing can't hurt if not over done.
Yes that is why I have it. It is know as good for washing off the THC but takes a long time. You can You tube it. Takes months and dual or triple processing.

But it is a natural sweetener. And wow did they love it.

I dont know what I did right. The EWC I used was 2 years old from a storage unit. The rest including bat and sea bird guano were fresh but man it just brewed at least 12 hours straight real heavy without any sugar added. I put some of this stuff in there in the morning and then it just brewed all day like they were eating it slow.

5 gallon bucket, 2 gallons tea 2 gallons foam all day.

I have never used molasses on the foliar spray with tea but this stuff I bet you can get this to a perfect viscosity to sit where you want it...and it would be easy on the plant. Slow feed.

I will be testing out a few different side by sides in a while.
What I was thinking yesterday is that like this stuff is good enough for them to breed like sugar but is not as easy to get at. So they are sort of forced to eat the other stuff more. That extends the syrup. Sort of a feedback...

I dont know I smoke a lot.
Yup I was looking for a simple method. If I am going to cook I will use a traditional method.

I had some I pressed out after like 6 months and was not very happy. I am certain I could do better but didn't seem worth it.

I think I just came up with a business idea. Thanks...
The long process is well good for what it is. It's traditional and most times I go with traditional methods but we know that heat activates THC.

I thought glycerin is part of the process to make vape oil?? I think it is but the process is more advanced than my pay grade atm.

I'm high right now so feel free to disregard any comments I've made in the last 30 minutes.

So it is used in many things. It can be used to draw out the THC from cannabis in 2 methods that are not hard.

Anyway there are 2 processes, one cold and slow one hot and much faster. Also requires more stuff and some effort. But cold way is supposed to be lazy... you can be lazy and flip the jar daily and after some time press it out. You got some good they say.

I am sure I did it wrong. But it looked great for the 6 months. Then I tried some...well more than I wanted as I was testing it. Well I have a high tolerance and it just doesn't wash enough. The fact that you have to realy tripple process to get what you get in a single process with alcohol...and alcohol stripping still I need a lot... I sort of did the math and threw it out. I would need to eat many spoonfuls if you have to tripple process. Yuk.

I am sure it may vap...but I use those also and I like the ones 80% or higher. No way this wash was anything like that. Just a waste of some my so so meh it was a trial run.

But put it in my tea that shit rocks. The microbes just love it. Maybe it was something else I did. I was impressed enough I want to do a side by side brew.
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