very bad spotting. insects?


New Member
Here's the deal. Got a few leaves with brown spots that have spread or anything. One leaf that is twisted New growing leaf. And one huge brown spot looks like molting but I honestly don't have a clue what it is as this is my first grow as well. Pics on the way

Soil- epsoma organic potting mix
Added 1 half part Pearlite. To a 6 iinch pot
Bontone root growth when moved
Neptunes harvest fish and seaweed 2-3-1
Stain-uunknown bag seed for first grow
LLights- cfl spiral 2500k I know should be 6500k 80 w equavilent. 14-16 hours on no timer
Water- bottled no ppm or ph but left open for chlorine evap.
Neem oil is your friend, consider neem cake in your soil next grow, its organic, systemic, and does molds good too, but understand bugs only attack weakened plants ..sort that and ride the wave!
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