super droop


New Member
I'm asking a lot of questions lately but jeez oh man my babies hate me lately

The smaller non lst was just transplanted and started the drooping. Now his homie figured it'd be a good idea to do it too and I really just don't have a clue what to do.

Soil- epsoma organic potting mix
Added 1 half part Pearlite. To a 6 iinch pot
Bontone root growth when moved
Neptunes harvest fish and seaweed 2-3-1
Stain-uunknown bag seed for first grow
Stage about 3 weeks old New 4th node growth
LLights- cfl spiral 2500k I know should be 6500k 80 w equavilent. 14-16 hours on no timer
Water- bottled no ppm or ph but left open for chlorine evap.

Posting pictures now
You might be over doing the nitrogen a bit. I've definitely seen this before, I think the solution was a more diluted feeding solution, but not positive.
The next things I would check are heat and the contents of your soil. Is your bottled water RO, distilled or do you know?
Sorry on such a late reply. But purified smart sense water from Niagara falls Canada side. From giant eagle. I still do not have a ph reader. Today I saw a huge spider in the pot though. I killed it
They don't appear to drooping excessively, give them a couple days without watering and they should perk up. Transplanting can be stressful for them.

You may also notice your plants looking droopy shortly before lights out, this is common with many plants. They will perk up again in the morning.
If you're growing organic (which it looks like you are) don't waste money in ph reader. You don't need it.

I'd cut way back on the ferts and only use your Neptune's Harvest if you see true signs of nute deficiencies.

Plants look fine to me for post-transplant. Check back here in a few days if it gets worse or doesn't improve.
You guys are the best for all the great information. Thanks a lot I'm gonna let the planties chill and just watch them for another day or so
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