Vintner's Low Ryder Pics

WOW, Sorry I've been working all weekend and missed all the cudos. Thanks to all of you. I really am proud of how well they're looking. No thanks to me either, all I did was keep them watered, keep them as close to my crappy lights as possible, and give them, lots of + vibes, and listen to the many voices of experience that I've gotten here from all of you. *bows*
When will they be done? I don't know! Soon is all I can say. I'm keeping a close eye on them and checking them daily for the 60-70% brown hairs I'm supposed to be watching for. Compairing them to P-420's latest harvest pics. So soon is all I can say, I'll let you know. I did harvest a "tiny" nug, cause I've been Jonsin' to get stoned for several months now, and it did get me high, but it smoked like crap and was a piss poor high. I'm hoping that has a lot to due w/the fact that I dryied it very fast in my outdoor grill while bar-b-quing some chicken. I know the finished product will smoke much better after being dryied and cured properly. I'm hoping the high is better too.
Thanks again everyone: Vin
Yeah you probably detroyed almost all of the THC drying it with heat like that. I'm sure the finished and properly dried product will be much much better.
yes a fast drying will lead to a shitty taste and high... next time you need a sample... snip and have are constantly blowing on it. It will take a while but you will get a much better experience as opposed to a fast curing........ remember slow and steady wins the race
Hey Vin! Lookin GOOOOD! .... Snip off a bud and throw it in the oven @ 160F for a few minutes. Then turn off the heat and let it cool - Viola, dried bud! I just did it myself this weekend so I know it works just fine.

200 degress is the vaporization point of THC I think, so it shouldn't cook off the good stuff.

i was just curious, how many grams did you actually get with each plant after your harvest.-
m4i2k0e said:
i was just curious, how many grams did you actually get with each plant after your harvest.-
Well I'll tell you what m4i2k0e: That most developed plant that's in all the pics.

I harvested that about 10 days ago. It was my shortest, but most dence looking plant.

Just this monday I chopped the upper upper "colas" (small as they are) off the other 3 plants.

They've all filled out a bit since that last pic, and have become loaded w/trics, but let's face it, they're LowRyders, They're tiny. LOL I've snitched a few tiny nugs here and there (I aint gonna lie), but I should have a final wieght in about a week or so. I don't really expect it to be much more than 1/2 and once though. I only used (240 watts of ) 4 foot tube fluoros to veg and flower, and my night time temps where down in the 40's and low 50's over the last month and a half or so.
All in all, I'm very pleased w/ the grow. For my first grow, it was very quick, easy, and nearly painless. And I learned a lot though. Primarily...HPS, better ventilation, and better temp. control. All which adds up to more money, which I need to convince my spouce of. LOL
I'm not too hip on the buzz, but then again, what I've smoked so far has been really green. I'm surely hopin it chages though.
nice man hope they as good as they look peace!!!!!
Ya vin you were right there lowryders, but it is a easy plant to grow.Yours looked great by the way! tipical lr. When and if you grow lr again if you go with a hps you will be glad you did, they like all the light you can give them.
hey man, thanks alot
I want to know how they smell and taste so please keep me updated when you smoke them please. After a good cure there should be no grassy taste.
Just a quick up-date. No pics. Had to give my brother his digi cam back. Well, I harvested my most developed plant on 5/25 or so which was day 60 exactly. It was pretty decent sized, but very airy w/only one main cola. About 10 days later I chopped the top colas off the other 3 plants. The remaining bottoms of 2 of those plants filled out nicely since then, and today I chopped a bit more off of one of them, and harvested the other one whole. The bottom 1/3 of it wasn't totally done, but there was no quick and easy place to cut it, so I just took the whole thing. The last one has filled out a bit, but remained really small. So, I've got 2 more plants still finishing up, but not much more on each. I've smoked a tiny bit, and given a little away. I haven't bothered to weigh any as I've got no easy way to do that. When all of it's harvested, dryied and cured a bit, I'll weigh it, and just try to estimate how much I've consumed/given away so far. The high is getting better as it cures. I would probably notice a taste more if I was using a bong, but all I have is a tobaco pipe. (There are no head shops around here, and my spouce is reluctant to let me order pariphenalia on line.) So, all in all, it will probably be 90 days from seed to a complete harvest. I should get more than enough to take me through a good portion of the winter, and w/another grow I plan to start after July 4th I should have enough to get through next spring if I'm conservative. (we don't really smoke on a daily basis.) Next year I plan to grow normal sized plants and leave the rest of my LR seeds untill I have a place to do them outdoors in a couple of years.
Thank you, I should have a final dry weight in a few days. Summer's been keepin me bussy. I'm still going to try to get another LR grow in before fall though.
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