Want Not - Waste Not


New Member
My Scots friend Hagis McBagpipes and I were were harvesting the scissor hash that had accumulated during a bud trimming session. As the Scots say: "many a mickle make a muckle" so it's only frugal to care for our medicine as well as the mickles. This concern for wasting-not carries on in other medicine handling. For example the ABV Already Been Vaped residual herb still has about half the cannabinoids that it had in life according to Jorge Cervantes. Haggis merely takes a tablespoon of ABV, mixes in some nice oily peanut butter which he spreads on toast for a bedtime snack. Strength varies from one batch to another depending on time and temperatures attained during vaping. Good temp controlling vaporizers will leave a toasted brown herb in the bowl. But my G-Pen is so hot it burns the herb and I might as well ignite it and get all the bad tars mixed in with the good.

Making Cannabutter also yields a residue of partially used herb. It is crunchy and oily but will make a kick-a$$ smoothie in a pinch. Licking the spoon is recommended. Dosage is highly variable so cool your jets and try a bit at a time unless you are looking forward to a wasted afternoon.

Lower fan leaves do not have much psychoactive goodness in them but are loaded with over 100 good things that can be ingested in salad, smoothies and a cup or two of tea. Those who do not care for the taste of raw cannabis can always consume tofu.

It's not necessary to have a frugal scots ancestry to develop ways of using most of the plant. I have not heard of a use for woody stems (tooth picks) or roots yet. Any other bright ideas out there?
Happy Growing
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