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New Member
Hello everyone. My name is Seth, and I live in Louisville, Kentucky. I'm nineteen, and I enjoy writing, art, literature, and music. My favorite genres are underground Harlem hip-hop, old school east coast rap, 80s-90s pop, blues and R&B. My favorite artist are Lil' Kim, Biggie Smalls, Azealia Banks, Bob Dylan, Aaliyah, Madonna, and Elvis. I love to meet new people, and socialize. My favorite color is blue, even if its the cats color (you'll have to live in KY to know what I'm talking about.). When i get home from work I usually get on my computer, and listen to music. As I said I like writing. Marijuana is a great tool for writing as well. It allows me to open up more, and I feel as though my writing has more depth. I started smoking marijuana when I was sixteen. At the time my brother had just passed away, and I used marijuana to comfort me. Err.. sorry for the downer. I also write on online roleplaying forums. I know, it's dorky, but it's so addictive. I have a tumblr if you're interested. The link is on my page, under the website page. Feel free to say hello to me. I love Skype. You can find that on my page too.
what! what! east coast rap from the 90's and you didn't mention WU TANG.... gezz..
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