
You should hold the pot and weight it after watering it, when it gets light its time to water.Wich usually takes about 3 days for the dirt to dry.Thats the i tend to water my plants.Make sure you dont overwater.
How much is overwatering? any exact measurements would help a lot. The pot its in now is about 5in wide and 7 or 8in high....
I'm kind of a noob to growing, but I'm close to my first harvest and haven't had any problems using this method:

First, let the soil get pretty dry by not watering for at least 3-5 days. It shouldn't hurt your plant, weed is VERY resilient.

Then, when you're sure it's really dry, take a 1 or 2 cup measuring cup and SLOWLY water it. Like an ounce or 2 at a time. Make sure it soaks in before you add the next little splash of water. Repeat until water starts coming out the holes in the bottom of your pot.

Keep track of the amount of water it took until it spilled out through the bottom of the pot.

Now wait about 3 days (that's how often I water) and give your plant about 2/3 to 3/4 the water it took to reach the overflow level.

Every couple weeks I would up the amount I watered as the plants grew bigger. And if I over did it occassionally, and water overflowed out the bottom of the pot, no big deal. That just gave me a new watering quantity to go by for the next 2 weeks.

I think most people that have water issues with their plants are usually OVER WATERING. But again, I am fairly new to this hobby, and I could definitely be wrong about that, lol.

Good Luck. :peace:
my rule of thumb is simply slip your finger in the dirt at about an inch, if the soils dry,,,water them.
Over watering is the hardest thing not to do, I waited a week before watering after transplanting into these 5 litre containers, the felt light and everything, after I watered, they all showed signs of excess water, the curled over look :/ hard job.
forget the fingers. Use the weight test. Let the container dry out till the plant is just starting to wilt. Pick up the entirte plant and container. See and judge how light it is in weight. Now water it. Now pick it up again. Feel the difference. Now you know when to water by how heavy it is. Fool proof.
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