Welcome Our New Sponsor Seedsman

Truth Seeker

New Member
Please join me in thanking one of our sponsors Seedsman.com for renewing their sponsorship with us. Without the support of sponsors such as them we would not be able to continue our mission of spreading Cannabis Awareness to the world.


Their company mission and the aim of all their websites is to help preserve cannabis genetics for future generations whilst promoting the need to control and regulate cannabis under a legal framework.

They believe cannabis genetics need to be preserved to ensure a diverse gene pool remains when politicians begin to better realize the therapeutic applications of cannabis and the possibility that the best way to minimize harm to individuals is through regulation of cannabis and its derivatives under a legal framework.

A more diverse gene pool makes cannabis less susceptible to diseases and pests and provides a larger scope for research.

Therefore, they sell a diverse and increasing range of cannabis seeds for domestic preservation, encouraging customers to store seeds until a time when it is legal to grow them. We also sell products that can be used to help store seeds safer and for longer periods.



27 Old Gloucester Street

Phone: +44 (0) 1451 844855 (Mon - Fri, 10:00 - 18:00 GMT)
(orders placed by phone will not receive any of our discounts)

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