What do you like to do when you are high


New Member
well i know theres more guys here than girls but i was wondering does n e body enjoy yoga?? i luv yoga and if it wasnt for work i would never miss a class! i feel like when im at my yoga class im seriously in such a peaceful state and my mind is sooo relaxed.... i hardly think when im at yoga cuz im always trying to follow the instructer and the pose...but yah just wanted to c if n e body out there shared the same interest! so what are some stuff u guys enjoy to do for urselves??:cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: how do u spend ur past time?

i do alot of reading. some frisbee golf every now and then. my favorite would be surfing, but i havent been doing much of that since i moved from socal...cant wait to go home for 2 weeks at the end of june and surf my brains out..as well as see steel pule at the fair, while smoking tons of blunts.
Re: how do u spend ur past time?

I jam on guitar, bass, keyboard, and drums & get stoned then record music.
Re: how do u spend ur past time?

freestyle rap....hang out with freinds..have sex...sit around stoned talking about old times...party...listen to music..cruis the streets
Re: how do u spend ur past time?

kitkat420 said:
well i know theres more guys here than girls but i was wondering does n e body enjoy yoga?? i luv yoga and if it wasnt for work i would never miss a class! i feel like when im at my yoga class im seriously in such a peaceful state and my mind is sooo relaxed.... i hardly think when im at yoga cuz im always trying to follow the instructer and the pose...but yah just wanted to c if n e body out there shared the same interest! so what are some stuff u guys enjoy to do for urselves??:cheesygrinsmiley:

So i take it your flexible.... :cheesygrinsmiley:

lol anEway, i like to write music, work on some graphic designing, play some video games, find some pussy, and just stay nicely baked in the process
Re: how do u spend ur past time?

aplesandoranjes said:
i usaully just smoke weed.

sanme here.haha, i relly enjoy goin four wheeling or dirt biking, camping, playing video games, watching tv.....
Re: how do u spend ur past time?

Kittyloaf said:
watching baseball... preferably in a stadium, though I'll watch on tv without issue

reading, writing, drawing tattoo art, getting tattoos, brewing, cooking, swimming...

Amazingly... this is usually while sober. I can't write or draw for shit when I'm stoned, and I won't get inked without being 100% sober.

hey i got a tatoo design i need done if your interested
Re: how do u spend ur past time?

Hey KL:

You said one of your favorite pastimes is " brewing". Is that like making beer?

What's your favorite?:peace:
Re: how do u spend ur past time?

My girl does yoga sometimes. I just lift weights and get high mostly. Well I do lots of other things to. I really love eastern culture like Chinese, Japanese etc. I plan on a trip to Japan in a month or so. I have lots of interests, and I do mean LOTS.
Re: how do u spend ur past time?

I haven't known free time for a while now, but with my last paper handed in on thurs. I plan on hiking a lot in NV. I also like to go rock hounding and have an extensive mineral and fossil collection. If I don't have time for those, then I usually read or look at my plants 20 times a day. Back home I pretty much do everything, but out here I'm pretty limited.
Re: how do u spend ur past time?

^^ wrong thread hommie
Re: how do u spend ur past time?

Reading eveything-mysteries, fantasy, detective novels, magazines, philosophy, the backs of shampoo bottles. I love to read.
I also play guitar and sing and I love all beach sports-surfing, volleyball, bodyboarding.
I like beer too-I'll have to try some of those you were talking about Kittyloaf.
Re: how do u spend ur past time?

Yea, yoga's sweet!! I had to take a class in high school and I really enjoyed it...getting high and doing some yoga is probably the most relaxing thing ever!I spend the majority of my day smoking.:bongrip: And I also like making jewelry...
I've been collecting my seeds for a couple of years and make seed jewelry!

If anyone's interested in one...just let me know!:smokin:
Re: how do u spend ur past time?

Let's see.. up at 5am.. walk 2 miles with my woman. make the little woman lunch, drive the kid to school, home to medicate, clean house, do laundry, go to community college gym for workout, home to shower and medicate, to Berkeley and Club San Pablo with Sifu Howard.. my buddy.. and,yes, we medicate, go to farmers market, get fresh fruit and veggies, home and dinner and asleep by 10 or 11 or 12 and get ready to do it all again. Goddang I love East Bay!

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :cheesygrinsmiley: :peace:
Re: how do u spend ur past time?

i work and go to school and sleep. I have no life.

making clothes, playing my new bass:headbanger: , hanging out with the animals, hanging out with the plants, making jewelry, photography (black and white and digital), watching japanese horror movies, reading/researching, gardening, shopping, shopping,:smokin: and well... :hmmmm: more shopping.

and hiking if there was any place here decent to go hike. I love getting blazed and taking a walk.. You can find so many interesting little things outside...
Re: how do u spend ur past time?

I fish, hunt, camp, and just about anything outdoors including smoking my bowl in the woods.
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