What Happened to my Trichomes?


Well-Known Member
Hi to all, I did my second outdoor grow last year and it was fantastic-or so I thought. I live in the south of Spain and we get sunshine like 300 days a year! I learned a lot on my first grow and was very pleased with the results last year. I grew a a strain called Merlin Haze from a local grow shop who make their own seeds, which to be fair smells exactly like the Super Lemon Haze I grew the first year. The trichomes were perfect and unlike the first year, where I believe I left them too long, the were just turning. Here's my question: do the trichomes loose their spherical shape after harvest? In other words, they where perfect and round (under 60X) and after drying and curing they have kind of bent over and although I can still see some round ones the majority have 'popped' and now lay flat on the flower. The buzz is good but not like the sample I tried from the scissors when trimming, which was almost hallucinogenic! I think I must have done something wrong and before I start my 2015 plant I'm wondering if any of you experienced growers can help me out. Thanks in advance to everyone who replies. Peace, Steve
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