What has weed taught you about yourself?


New Member
Like he title says what has weed she on you about yourself. Personally for me it has made me see a whole load of things about myself that I have just been living with without knowing. It makes sense in my head aha :Namaste:
For me, pot makes it more interesting & enjoyable to engage socially, as well as in artistic expressions & appreciation of everything, really. What that maybe says about me is that I seem to need the boost to find life particularly interesting. Sometimes I wish that weren't so. But, also being treated medically for psych issues, I find weed is the best medicine to help me beat depression, where much of that other stuff (not valuing life while not smoking) comes from. I think it confirms there's a good degree of rebel in me & that I basically like to get my kicks. You said it made you see a lot about yourself, but you failed to name what those things are. I'm glad it "makes sense in your head," tho.
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