What is the real name for these Banana looking sprout?

Jamaican Bud

Active Member
Hello All:
I just took down a White Russian Grow and I noticed that these Buds have a few of these Banana looking sprouts. I have herd them refereed to as naners but I would like to know their Scientific Name. I posted some pictures from two lower branches of my White Russian Grow, I highlighted the banana looking sprout.
I would also like opinions about these buds. I harvested when the trichomes were 1 in 10 or so.

Thank you KJC,

A while back I read the Thread that was dedicated to this subject but I still haven't found it. Are these a common occurrence in late stages of flowering at least that is when I noticed them, about a week before harvest. My Buds look good and there are no signs of seeds! Do you know what causes these? I only have a dozen or so grows under my belt but this is the first time I have seen these female pollen sacs.
Bolting can be a natural occurance with cannabis where the plant tries to pollinate itself, the occurance seems to be more prevalent with feminized seeds. Lighting schedule and temperature seems to be an influence.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolting horticultur
its trying to propagate itself while it still has time since no male pollen has touched it
late cycle self seeding
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