What is this growing on my plant?


Well-Known Member
So today I noticed this growing on one of my 9 plants and none of the others have this? What am I looking at here gang, is this the sex of the plant showing itself already. They look like seed pods. It's my 1st time growing bud and just inquiring from the vets here so I'll know what to lookout for in the future.

Thanks in advance.


  • IMG_20200617_095835.jpg
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So, since I've been growing these plants all together simultaneously, did it show it sex early cause it knew it was around other female plants or it's Natural for pollen sacks to just grow?
I feel your pain man. It Happens in this game. Some good clones or fem seeds reduce the chances of ball sacks and disappointment with time lost. Sneak that plant into the bin quietly making sure not to shake pollen around.
Put it in the rubbish bin. Always be careful when removing them that they don’t drop pollen. Catch them early enough and that’s not a problem just more precautionary That pollen isn’t spilt onto a good female.
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