What is this?


New Member
What is this and how do I fix it? I have it in a 10 gallon smart pot, fox farm ocean forest soil, only been planted 20 days. I am using 4x24 T5 light setup, RO water, gonna feed 1st time tomorrow. I looked it up and said something about a potassium deficiency but I'm not sure.
In RO water you have to supplement Cal-Mag along with your other nutrients...I would get some General Hydroponics Cali-Magic it's a little cheaper than Botanicare Cal-Mag +. You can probably skip adding cal-mag with every other watering, maybe every third in soil.

Always add Cal-Mag supplement to RO water first, nutrients & any other supplements, then pH nute solution...soil is 6.5 pH.

What nutrients are you using?
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