What to expect with this deficiency?


Active Member
Hi guys. I have an Amnesia haze seeding going, bought from i49. It is growing 3 sets of leaves instead of 2. Is there anything weird to expect with a deficiency like this? Im actually super excited to grow it and see what it turns out like!


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Look up polyploid - there's a thread or 2 about them here.

I have 1 that I cloned and grew into great weed from the clone but the original plant was small and tiny buds. The clones turned into beauties.

Hard to see here but there are 3 sets of leaves instead of 2. Be a lowerish yielder but the weed will be top shelf.

This is a mutation. Extra sets of chromosomes and why the 3rd leaf.

Think about it this way - more leaves = more food for the plant = faster growth higher metabolism. These are great traits to have in a plant.

Oh and the colors are nice too. She turns dark red then in about 3 days she's black and finished.

My plant below is a very fast grower 40 days she's finished in flower. VERY good nugs.

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