What's With All These New Cultivation And Other Bans?

Robert Celt

New Member
You can thank the state legislature for this. In their zeal to pass comprehensive medical cannabis regulations, they somehow overlooked a provision stating that if cities and counties didn't have their own laws in place by March 1, the state would assume control. So now we have a flurry of bans, and not just for growing pot. Cities are banning all sorts of cannabis business, from storefronts to delivery services. This is ridiculous and an affront to the people that need cannabis as a medicine. These bans will also place an undue burden on cities and counties that allow cannabis businesses. The legislature has already started to address this issue but it may be too late. Your best bet is to find out when your city council is meeting and go talk to them. There is a group page on the Facebook that has up to date listings for just about every city and county in the state.

I am fundamentally opposed to allowing cities and counties to ban legal cannabis businesses. Cities can't ban bars or liquor stores or strip clubs. Marijuana is safer than just about anything in the world, so why do cities insist on treating it like a scourge or plague? Banning weed doesn't make weed disappear, just like keeping homeless people from begging does nothing to eliminate homelessness. Prohibition is never the answer. I hope this new AUMA (Adult Use of Marijuana Act) will do something to address this, but it probably won't.

California is not Texas. We don't need "dry" counties. We need statewide access to medical marijuana.

I want to know more about all these new rules and things. Where can I go? — Mal Gold

On Jan. 19 the California Cannabis Industry Association will hold a roundtable panel discussion about these new rules and proposals before heading over to the State Capitol for a joint public hearing of the State Assembly Business and Professions Committee, Assembly Agriculture Committee and the Assembly Health Committee in room 4202. The informational hearing will focus on "Medical Marijuana Regulation: The Plan for Statewide Implementation."


News Moderator: Robert Celt 420 MAGAZINE ®
Full Article: What's With All These New Cultivation And Other Bans?
Author: Ngaio Bealum
Contact: Monterey County Weekly
Photo Credit: None found
Website: Monterey County Weekly
This is precisely why I always tell people not to count there chickens before they hatch and get complacent and just expect things to take their course all by themselves.

The opposition is always watching and waiting for a crack to open up so they can corrupt everything that's been achieved thus far, so we can't let our guard down for even a second guys.

I just hope it's not too late for you guys out there in California, especially when y'all are so close to recreational legalization.

Keep your heads on a swivel guys, you've come too far to see things unravel now, y'all need to put a plug in the leak and make arrangements counteract this setback.
It's really screwed up living in a state that allows safe access to medical cannabis but in a county that restricts it.

What's even more screwed up is living in a country that allows states to decide for themselves to have MMJ and yet many states still won't allow sick people to have this life saving medicine at all.

What's even more screwed up than that is a federal government who has proof that Cannabis as medicine really does work but yet it's still kept as schedule 1 which says it has no medicinal value what so ever.

Cannabis prohibition of any kind is just plain screwed up, period!
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