Whats With Weed


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What's With Weed is a new school-based peer-led program for youth who are experiencing problems with their marijuana use. The program identifies the risks and realities of marijuana use, helps them identify their problems and gives them strategies to reduce the harm associated with marijuana use. While aimed at problematic use, the program is useful for any teen looking for information on marijuana use for themselves or their friends.

About one-quarter (26%) of Ontario students in Grades 7-12 report using cannabis at least once during the 12 months before the Ontario Student Drug Use Survey completed in 2005. This represents about 257,900 students.

Just under one-third (31%) of all students use marijuana regularly (weekly or daily). And about one-in-twelve (8.2%) of regular cannabis users in grades 7 to 12 may have a dependence problem based on their descriptions of uncontrolled use, and failed attempts to reduce use.

Diane Buhler, Executive Director of Parent Action on Drugs, the sponsor of What's With Weed says, "Most youth say there are no risks in using marijuana. But for those who are experiencing problems, it's time to bring this out in the open and be realistic about ways to reduce, avoid or prevent problems."

What's With Weed is driven by a team of Youth Advisors. Natasha Lantz, a Youth Advisor from the Toronto area says, "Most presentations about marijuana and other drugs turn into lectures. Students would much rather hear the facts about marijuana on their own turf, in their own language and by people their own age. What's With Weed says right up front that the program isn't to tell teens what to do but to provide information," she adds.

The program uses some key resources including a DVD of current and past youth users. They speak about why and how they changed their behaviour to reduce their problems.

Tom Walker, of Breakaway Youth and Family Services and a partner in the project talks about a recent client, "There's this young guy - failing school and struggling with family, and he still says, "Weed's not the problem. It's everyone else's issue. They're full of crap". I show him the DVD and he says.
"Holy ....., that's me, man!"

Additionally, a brand new website just for youth (What's With Weed | You Want to Know More?) has been developed. For schools, a complete guide to training older student peer leaders to work with younger students on the issues around marijuana use is available.

Other resources include a mock matchbook to lead youth to the website and a postcard for parents with key facts connected with marijuana use. Parents and professionals can find out about the program by going to PAD Home Page.

An evaluation was conducted at the seven high schools in Toronto and in Grey Bruce where the program was piloted. The evaluation demonstrated an increase in awareness of the risks related to marijuana with both senior and junior students, plus an increased awareness of where to go for help.

What's With Weed is being launched this week as part of Drug Awareness Week in support of the Ontario Drug Awareness Partnership's "Talk" campaign.

Newshawk: User - 420 Magazine
Source: CNW Group
Pubdate: 19 November 2006
Copyright: 2006 CNW Group
Contact: CNW Group
Website: Article Here
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