Whats Your Favorite Munchies food?

never been a picky eater, so anything really while im high or sober for that matter. my favs are pizza, chinese food, cookies, and ice cream.
i feel so american saying that.
bananas are amazing in my opinion, and my brother just had his 16th birthday so there's cake and ice cream all over the place...
Dried organic bananas and macadamia nuts, washed down with a fresh picked, orange Tangerine,Pineapple, Papaya smoothie. I just walk around my ranchito and gather them up.
Yeah, I used to love the Frosted Flakes. No more.

I like those sesame sticks they sell in the plastic containers. Chocolate, fruit, cookies.

I'm partial to carbs, haha.
I'm not really a picky eater, especially when I got the munchies, but I could probably eat like a pound of beef jerky with a good high.
I'm a big fan of jalapeno chips and cadbury cream eggs. not at the same time of course.
cheese puffs, fast food tacos, anything from street food venders. My favorite wthis week was some baclava I picked up at a health food store while I was high and ate while I walked home. Freakin' amazing stuff! Funny thing is when I'm sober I have a massive sweet tooth but when I'm high I don't crave sweets as much.
Taco Bell Encheritos when I go to town.
When at home - peanut butter/syrup mix w/ crackers and strawberry jam. I also like smoked clams/oysters with pickles, cheese and crackers. Grilled tuna & cheese. Fiesta Ranch dip mix with Nacho Doritos.

After thinking about all this, I would have to say gooey-soft Rice Crispy treats fresh out of the pan while still warm! LOL I think I made myself hungry! :smokin:
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