When is the best time to Top my plants?

I believe you're supposed to top when you have 4 to 6 internodes on the plants... I'm not sure how that relates to your matter. It might be more helpful if we new how tall they were.
The largest one has 9 sections after the first two leaves, and its full of white hairs. The second largest one has 8 sections and smells the skunkest.
The last two a have 6... There about 18-24 inches tall. They were just put under 400W HPS light. They were under my constructions lights for the first 5 to 6 weeks...lol Man, it was really hot in my room....lol
Only top your plants when they are in the vegetative cycle. I wouldn't top them during the flowering cycles. The plant will use it's energy to repair itself instead of bud production.

In the vegetative state you can top them when you start feeding them (about 2 to 3 nodes). Make sure to sterilize your scissors thoroughly.
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