Who can get charged?


New Member
Hi everyone,

I've got a question regarding who can be charged with possession/cultivating. Say for instance you live in a share house with four other people, and decide you want to grow a couple of outdoors. It is all your idea, and you do everything in regards to the growing. Everyone else knows they're there but has nothing to do with them.

If you did happen to get busted, and if you admitted it was all your doing to the authorities, would any of your housemates be likely to get charged as well? Would you have to prove they didn't know what was going on or would the police be settled with just you taking the rap. I've had a read through some of the threads and articles on the site, but can't find anything pertaining to the scenario.

Thanks in advance for any help.
Cops are dicks. A. Everybody would be charged and responsible for proving their innocence in a court of law. B. Don't EVER confess to the cops. Hell, don't ever say anything to them other than, "Am I free to go? No? Then, has my attorney gotten here yet?"
It is up to the cop's discretion. If he/she feels your housemates had anything to do with it, then yeah they'll get charged. If they are like 'no I didn't know anything about that' then maybe the cop won't charge them. Its hard growing when your not the only one knowing about it. Don't let your own mouth get you in trouble.
Depends on the cops and how many plants you are growing.

If they're in the house and know about an illegal grow they are guilty by association. However the cops might just take you away, but if they are dicks they definitely can mess with the housemates. Even if they don't take your housemates you can be sure they will search all their rooms/stuff.
The question lacks the fore-knowledge of reality. If the Cops bust in, then everyone is going to jail that day no matter what.
Say a CI reprts growing, so they get a warrant and then when they arrive, instead they only find a guy with a script smoking a gram bag... He's going to get arrested....

After it gets sorted out, the roommates will be out of it, but they spent like $8,000 on lawyers and they hate you for causing drama bro...
I've heard of experiences when the cops bust in and take everyone, and other times they bust in and take no one. Finding evidence in both cases, it's really case to case because cops are human beings. Of course your local area is a huge factor too.
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