Why Would We Want People to Suffer Needlessly?


New Member
I was disappointed to read the Post-Bulletin's editorial opposing the medical marijuana bill ( "Is Minnesota ready for marijuana as medicine?" April 24 ). As seems to frequently be the case in discussions of the issue, the editorial touched on numerous aspects but ignored the most relevant - the seriously ill patients who would be most affected. The fact is that this legislation could dramatically improve my quality of life.

I was diagnosed with intra-abdominal desmoplastic small round-cell cancer, a sarcoma that forms on connective tissue in the abdomen. When I was diagnosed, there were only 80 known cases known in the world.

I was told by doctors in Minneapolis - where I was born and raised - that there was nothing that they could do. However, I was treated successfully at the Mayo Clinic here in Rochester, where I now live so I can be close to my doctors. This may sound like a great outcome - and it is, though bittersweet. I had to give up a lot of me to be here. I have had three reoccurrences, requiring several surgeries, chemotherapy, and radiation.

When treated with chemotherapy drugs, it was very difficult to keep my appetite up and my food down. I was given prescription drugs for the nausea and vomiting, but they made me sicker still. I would get involuntary dry heave attacks after chemotherapy, which were very painful and generally lasted half an hour.

After my third chemotherapy treatment, I took the advice of friends and acquired some marijuana to smoke when I arrived home. When the predictable attack started, I smoked a miniscule amount, literally two or three puffs, and my diaphragm relaxed and the heaving stopped. In contrast to the awful side effects of the prescription drugs, I simply became relaxed and, most amazingly of all, hungry for the first time in ages.

My doctors have repeatedly stressed how important it is for me to eat so that I could continue fighting the cancer, and marijuana was a welcome ally in this fight. If nothing else, I want to soldier on so that doctors would have data to help others combat this cruel form of cancer.

Additionally, medical marijuana helped my outcome because the positive results gave me hope. I could keep my weight, reduce my pain, and get to sleep. It's simply cruel and unethical to deny those in similar situations a way to relieve their pain and reduce complications.

In answer to the question in the editorial's title: Yes, the time has come for a compassionate medical marijuana law in the state. Minnesotans are not only "ready" for such a move, but polling indicates we support it by a 2 to 1 margin.

And while I appreciate the Post-Bulletin's concern about cost and the fact that insurance won't pay for medical marijuana, you can be sure that I would rather spend some money than die from my illness. While a few might not be able to afford medical marijuana, those who can use it should not face arrest and jail. Thousands of patients in states with medical laws are benefiting from them today.

Similarly, the concern that a medical marijuana law would somehow interfere with drug company research into marijuana-related drugs is absurd. There will always be a market for pharmaceuticals that insurance will cover. Companies are indeed working on such drugs, but they are years away from being available. And there is a simple plant product that can help patients today, just as it helped me.

People are suffering, and we let them continue to suffer because we wrongly think that prescription drugs are the answer to everything. As someone who has taken more than my share, I can tell you that they are not.

I hope that our elected officials never have to be in a situation that would necessitate the use of medical marijuana, but, if they were, I would hope it would be a safe and legal option for them, without being forced to break the law as I have done. From my own experience, I firmly believe this bill could save lives.

Source: Post-Bulletin (Rochester,MN)
Copyright: 2008 Post-Bulletin Company, LLC
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Website: Postbulletin.com: Why would we want people to suffer needlessly? - Mon, May 12, 2008
LOL, Rochester, is it better or worse since the kodak closure? I think I was almost wacked for screwing up a mob guy there. Thanks to the most high power the medical help was there 4 U. I had a similar result with kidney stone inflammation. Nothing stopped the pain but my grass (OK it was a TRAIN WRECK) pulled it off. saved my life during interferon therapy, too. I don't even SEE these assholes judging me, thanks to my having vision. You are amazing and smart too. More than words your feelings are held in high esteem..all over the planet. Comes out in your creations, too. Never stop throwing the blame where you see it. Okay.
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