Woot Finnally smoked some good bud


New Member
Witch was okay and shit but last night my guy came over afriends all chillen pulls this shit out its lemon somthing we dont really know its not "Lemon" but it taste like lemons and it looks a little white then beasters. Eitherway its a ridiculious high i was BLASTED But its 25 a gram =( witch is outragious anyone have any idea what this is im picking some up later ill post pics too. :adore:
here it is $20 a gram, we only have top notch. I havent seen bad weed unless a travl. I always get away with 1.5 for $20 or 1 gram ffor $3 maybe leess. Sometimes for free when I grow.
It is imposible to tell the strain. No matter how long you smoked and hoe much of an expert you are. There is simpl no way. YOu can guess but the odds are against you. Thanks kyle.
I usually pay $10 a gram for the crystal white bud or ghan or blueberry, but today i scored some fruity shit from a dude at work 2.5g for ten dollars nice deal nice!
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