Xxtra Clean 5 days before drug test?


New Member
I have a pre-employment drug test at 8:30am on Tuesday, July 2nd and I was wondering if I could take Xxtra clean a few days before? I am a female, 5'5, 135lbs, and have smoked every night during the week and 3-4 times on weekend days for the last year and a half. I stopped on Saturday night, June 22 so that would be one week and two days away from test. Would it be a waste to take Xxtra clean days before the test? Thanks to all for your input.
These detox drinks are just for use on the morning of the test. They use dilution and add creatine and balance the ph. You're a moderate smoker so a detox drink might not work. I would sub with synthetic or someone elses clean urine if I were you.
Thanks for your help!

I would buy some Creatine whey powder at places that sell vitamis and gym (weight lifter supplies) and start injesting large quantities of water with crystal light(I hate water and I have a reverse osmosis and 1 micron water filters and charcoal filters in my houses main water pipes). my wife bought one of my sons a 1Kg (large bottle) of this stuff and she makes me banana smoothies with it in. but no matter what drink tons of water

I'm D.O.T regulated so I get randoms at least one or 2 times a year, and even with large doses of Vicadin (low back surgeries) I alwys pass them.

good luck, stay positive at the job interview and wear nice clothes, say as little about yourselve as you can, I used to interview job candidates in the 80's and was always surprised what people reveal when they are NERVOUS.

I'm one of those nervous types so I'm not putting any one down, my wife points out to me how much I sway back and forth and say a lot of shit I should not say (all the time) so shut it, be friendly and ONLY answer what they ask
So true about the interview process! I thought I bombed it by talking way too much and figured there was no way they would call me back, but they did.

I have my DT tomorrow and have taken two home-tests, both with a very, very faint second line. Wish me luck fellow buddies :straightface:
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