Yes another LED company!

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New Member
Hey whats up everyone,

I thought Id say hello since I am a new sponsor here on the greatest cannabis forum on the net!

My names Michael and i am the developer of the spectra series LED grow light panels. I know, I know what your thinking, led's have not shown anyone that they can grow high quality dense thick buds and with all the outrageous claims that are being made such as 120w led will equal or beat 400w to 600w HID or that 300w led will beat out 1000w HID is just insane and ill be the first to admit it. Claims like these 'gimmicks' or what I like to call 'false advertising' have left a bad taste in everyone's mouth and have made it hard for lagit companies such as myself to show that hey led's with the right wavelengths and light intensity actually do work and work very well.

My panels use 3w/3 chip LED's with 11 wavelengths at 90 degree angles, the entire panel was designed to grow high quality dense medical grade cannabis (as a side note the panels have grown very nice tomato and other herbs/vegetables very well).

My panels are unmatched in the industry I believe that no other company out there can compete with my LED grow panels. I am a grower not a scientist, I started growing with led's and kept switching around the configuration until I felt i had something that would at least watt for watt compare or give greater results than HID, anything less would be unsatisfactory to me. I know what to expect because I am a firm believe in HID I knew that when i grew with my MH/HPS I would at lest get good results. So thats what I based my research off of.

Of course I would like to make a living of selling these lights but I want everyone to know that I am not here to sell a panel or two to a customer and then kick them to the curb. Customer service is my number 1 priority (after providing a quality product :) Thats why I offer a 120 day money back guarantee and 5 year warranty which are also unmatched in the industry.

All in all I just want everyone to know I didnt just jump on the train and ordered lights overseas having no idea if they work and basing my ideas from research on google like... nevermind... lets just say a google phd means nothing to me. ;) Anyway as I was saying, I didnt jump on the trian and put a product on the market I have no idea works and fabricate lies just to sell them. I grow with these lights and would not be wasting your time or my time and money.

I kow there have been certain LED companies out there who have not lived up to their claims as a matter of fact they havnt come close. I have read post after post on several forums (which I am banned from one of them, I think you guys know which one) of people who have spent hard earned money and ended up not even getting close to what was promised. Its actually very sad and disappointing to know that some 'business' people would practice such horrible business practices with no ethics, respect or some kind of professional moral business standard.

For those of you who have spent your money on any LED's that did not satisfy your needs I am sorry, I know these panels are expensive and there should have been no reason for your money to go to such waste.

I would like to offer those who have purchased these panels from other companies a discount on my LED panels, that is if you are willing to give LED's one more try. The point I want to make here is that I dont want anyone to be discouraged in trying out an other LED panel because of a bad experience they might have had from another company, because believe it or not LED's with the right configuration do work. I also give a discount to all medical patients please right me.

Thank you to all haters, supporters and people just checking this out. Your questions and comments are more than welcomed.

You can also contact me at

Thank you for your time.


Also check out the two grow journals on by




Thank you both very much for taking the time to do this for me and thanks to all you guys out there who are giving me the great positive support!! I love the e-mails!.. thank you...;)
One important thing I forgot to add.. I am not here to bash or talk down on anyone or their product.

If anyone feels that they have a better LED grow light panel, then i say put your money where your mouth is! Plain and simple, plus it keeps the blood pressure down ;)

I am not here to argue and go back and forth on what your light or my light can or cant do. If anything I am more interested in learning and possibly networking with other business to move this technology forward.

So please be nice and keep it simple. Thank you all.
:welcome: to 420 GLH..

Is G-L-H the magic letters for LED companies? I feel like there's 15 LED companies all with GHL or LHG etc etc as name/initials lol..

Honestly GLH, how much success have you had growing with your lights? I've always thought that the 90 degree angle would have been a great middle point between the 120 & 60 but i've never bought any LEDs although I was considering it for a stealth cab at one point.

Also wanted to thank you for taking a more honest approach to introducing yourself and pitching your LED.

:welcome: again GLH
:welcome: to 420 GHL..

Is G-H-L the magic letters for LED companies? I feel like there's 15 LED companies all with GHL or LHG etc etc as name/initials lol..

Honestly GHL, how much success have you had growing with your lights? I've always thought that the 90 degree angle would have been a great middle point between the 120 & 60 but i've never bought any LEDs although I was considering it for a stealth cab at one point.

Also wanted to thank you for taking a more honest approach to introducing yourself and pitching your LED.

:welcome: again GHL

Thats 'GLH' ( please please please do not confuse me with that 'other' one!!!!! LOL.

Plus I was first.

I have had three grow cycles with these exact lights Ill be posting a new video on 3 days before i pull the next batch which will be in a couple weeks. I am also conducting a personal test to see if I can reach 1p off one plant using a 180w panel, I dont know if the super lemon haze seeds I got can even produce that much per plant, but I am going to see what I can get off one medium sized plant (3.5 to 4 ft) I am planning on documenting this grow on 420mag but I haven't decided for sure yet.

I feel that 90 degrees is the sweet spot, it allows for the wavelengths to blend in real nice without sacrificing to much core saturation or penetration.

Well that about covers that if there is anything else i can help you with please let me know..

Thats 'GLH' ( please please please do not confuse me with that 'other' one!!!!! LOL.

Plus I was first.


My bad about the spelling GLH, i've edited my post :smokin:

That seriously was like my only question, but thanks for answering. I'll look around for your video tho :popcorn:

Take it easy bro
GrowLEDHydro! Great to have you here! ;)
LED is the way for sure.
Thank you for your Support. :clap:
We would love to :welcome: you aboard this great 420 Community.
Also Thank you for all your research in the LED growing arena. :allgood:
Greenest Regards.
I just wanted to say thanks for all the warm welcomes to 420magazine. There are a lot of good people here and a bunch of good information to read..

Thanks again..
Hey Mike,

Just wanted to introduce myself. I am currently going to business school and picked LED grow lights for my thesis project which is due in about a year. Been working on it for 4 months now and have to say I respect the efforts I've seen you put into building a good rep around here. LED grow lighting is a fledgling industry and takes a ton of money, effort, research, time and networking. Keep pushing the envelope dude! We've got to get as advanced as possible before the Phillip's and GE's of the world take over.

FYI...Both companies have stated that 85% of their optoelectronic production capabilities will be geared toward LED's by 2020.

Good luck bro!

Hey Mike,

Just wanted to introduce myself. I am currently going to business school and picked LED grow lights for my thesis project which is due in about a year. Been working on it for 4 months now and have to say I respect the efforts I've seen you put into building a good rep around here. LED grow lighting is a fledgling industry and takes a ton of money, effort, research, time and networking. Keep pushing the envelope dude! We've got to get as advanced as possible before the Phillip's and GE's of the world take over.

FYI...Both companies have stated that 85% of their optoelectronic production capabilities will be geared toward LED's by 2020.

Good luck bro!


Hello Cephus,

Thanks for stopping by the thread and introducing yourself, I really appreciate your kind words man, they really mean a lot to me. Its tough in this crazy world of led's. Yes it does take a ton of research to get things right and thanks to a lot of companies out their for screwing things up with their insane claims, I feel like im the only one trying to fix it and set things straight. If their is anything I can help you with hit me up anytime. Good luck on your research paper.


Mike.I'd like to say pleased to meet you and just ask a question or two if thats Ok.I am about to purchase what I believe is a good led light after quite a bit of research and comparing different lights only on the info provided online{have never used leds before}.I am curious as to what wavelength your reds and blues are consistant at and also the light ratio between the two.Also how many luminas are provided at say 6 inches from the canopy?Thanks for any usefull info.
Mike, All the best with your lights...I have a plm. though...For someone that says they are into grows themselves etc etc... I wd. have thought you would have many pictures of the BUDS that you have grown by now with your Product??? Could you straighten me out on this, why you don`t have many grows under these lights with pictures of BUDS that you have grown now???

I would think IF I was promoting a product I would have something to back it up by now when you are comparing apples to apples or saying what or others are not the same as yours??

Do`nt get me wrong ,but seems to be some un answered questions on this?

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