Yield from autoflower in south Europe - Greece


New Member
Hello guys :goof:

I have a dilemma.. a friend of mine that is living in Albania is telling me that they are growing autoflowers there that yields up to 200g each plant but from what I read on forums and on the net I understand that the outdoor autous yield around 50g give or take...

Of course I understand that everything is relatively and many factors are included to get good results but could someone help me understand what yield I can expect if I grow autos outdoors in Greece during spring/summer and IF it is possible to have the same results as my friend in Albania?
I doubt you're gonna get 200g (dry) from an auto. 30-50g sounds more realistic. Autos have to short vegetative stage to yield much.
I agree with contradino in that auto's veg period is too short to expect a substantial yield. However that's not to say that some auto strains wont grow large & produce a good yield. I've read for example that the 'magnum' strain from buddha seeds is quite big & ive noticed Dinafem have some 'extra large' auto's...no doubt some breeders are trying to produce auto's that veg longer to produce bigger plants so have a good look. Also ask your friends if its 200g dry because thats what counts & what strains their growing. Good luck
there are some auto's that they bred with Sativa and veg stage will last 4-5 weeks and they claim yield is huge, half pound. I ordered some critical, xl big bud and trying them
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