You know you smoke too much when...

When everytime people come into your house they say "what's up?" but before you say anything, sniff the air and smile and say "I know what YOU've been up to!" turn down getting laid because youre too burned out
...when you're watching an old tape of recorded t.v shows, see a commercial about a movie that's gonna be on t.v, and you stop the tape so you can record the movie. But you recorded this tape 3 years ago! (I did this when i was stoned off my ass)
.....when you hear an amount of money you instantly estimate the amount of weed you could get with it
your mom and your dog are cuddled in a ball in your bed talking to eachother
and when lighters get sooo hard to light.
when your revolve your life around weed, change plans for weed. Spend every last cent you have on weed. Smoke till your lungs hurt, and eyes burn, you don't know or care where your weed is because your that STONED.
when you've been sharing a blunt filled with Blueberry w/ some hash and you're so scrambled that the blunt in your hand is burning a hole in the crotch of your pants
lol, i met this stoner last night i was in from of cigarette world (shop). and smoking a camel light..he skateboards up 19 (black..stoner kind) not too dark anyway doesnt matter bros, he asked if i worked there, i said no, he asked where he can find some trees, turns hes not from around here. so of course, me, having "Pot o' gold" bud in my pocket i say..."as a matter fact i do.." lol i asked how much he needed he said 10 or wutever i have, of course having more than a 10 i gave him a cool little nugget and he was happy. gave me a 20 i gave him 10 back cuz i had change. thhhen..he matched half of that on a blunt then i rolled and we smoked this dude was chill was hell. he sells magz door to door wit people he down from la, and stayin in mariot hotel wit folks. new to the area i am in every single day of my life. So we get blasted off that blunt, go to the hotel. (funny pary coming up imo) were going up the elevator and this guy is in there with us bout 40 fat....for some reason asks "are you getting off here too" and the dude i met replies hella fast and no shalant SP??? "yea actually i am...............................dude walks off like well are u coming ...and he then says " just not right now, pushes 6 and door automadically closes and i jus start laughing my fucking ass off and he does the same...anyway for a good minute..we get to the hotel and smoke hella bowls of of his new bubbler. we have a stog session after and chat, then im gone. i gave him my number they will be hittin me up during the week for chronic. anyway, if you read this, then thank you and have a great day-STONED.
IgetStoned said:
and this guy is in there with us bout 40 fat....for some reason asks "are you getting off here too" and the dude i met replies hella fast and no shalant SP??? "yea actually i am...............................dude walks off like well are u coming ...and he then says " just not right now, pushes 6 and door automadically closes and i jus start laughing my fucking ass off and he does the same...anyway for a good minute..we get to the hotel and smoke hella bowls of of his new bubbler. we have a stog session after and chat, then im gone. i gave him my number they will be hittin me up during the week for chronic. anyway, if you read this, then thank you and have a great day-STONED.

LOL :laughtwo::rofl: that's fuckin hilarious! I used to do shit like that when I was a little fucker ... great story man! :cool:
You know you smoke too much, that you say Today! is the day I'm gonna quit, but you have everyday of the last four years saying that, that nobody believes you anymore, so it doesn't make a difference if you do quit or don't...ain't it?
You know you smoke too much when the clothes you wear have a permenant weed scent to them, even after you washed them.
you know your cuttin it close when u order every item off taco bells menu.

you know your cuttin it close when you trade your bong for a bowl.(and for most dont have nothing left to smoke with)

you know your cuttin it close when you puke up resin.

you know ur cuttin it close when u tell the doctor to scrape ur lung before you die.

you know ur cuttin it close when your boss is asking you to hook it up! ^
you know ur cuttin it close your blowing a pipe and you set it down to hit a joint someones handing you(seting pipe down still hot).

this is the first pipe i have ever blown, and that was today. kinda ties in with the whole your cuttin it close deal.
isos 42o said:
you know you smoke too much when you wink at ppl buying cigars at the gas station

thaat shit is true one time i saw a guy buying a philly and i said to him u wanna roll a blunt? and he said sure so went out to his car and rolled one and then smoked it in the mall parking lot.
^lol, hell yeah, I know what you mean!
You also know you smoke too much when your out of bud and decide to pick in your pockets of a bunch of different pants you've worn through out the week and you manage to get enough to fill up half a bowl or sometimes more.
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