White Widow Flowering

I have a Dinafem WW flowering now too. I also have four cuttings in my Clone king (no roots yet).

Here she is a week ago (4 weeks flower) :peace:
Hey hey bros.

I dont have spider mites. Its thrips. Im giving neem oil. Its getting less thrips now.

She looks good. I hope u have very white "snow" in this girl. Where did you get? And its indoor or outdoor?
It will be stinky i hope not. My backyard is 15/20 feet way to the street. And i have neighbours next to me.
Thrips are worse that spider mites. Harder to kill, more destructive. And, if they're related to the thrips in MY part of the world, they will bathe and bask in neem oil, get a good tan, and keep on eating.
Now that you're in flower you cant go nuclear on the bastards. Good luck.

In future, spray with Avid every 60 days, and don't spray for 60 days before flower. Follow directions on the bottle, the stuff is great; but it can be dangerous.

~ Auggie ~
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