RE VEGG a plant after Flowering and buds?


New Member
Just wondering how long does it take and how much veg. have to leave on it and is this even worth the bother etc etc..???
Taking a plant that has done its thing,Buds and all then turning back to Veg. to do it all over again???
Thanks all!!!
Re: RE VEGG a plant after Flowering and buds???

It doesn't need a whole lot of foliage to reveg. It will take a good amount of time before you see new growth. Once it does start growing, it usually sends out 3 blade leafs and will build back up to it's normal amount of blades per leaf. I'd say in a month you should for sure have some new growth. I wouldn't start cloning until you see the normal growth.
Thanks for that info...I guess if one has a mother ready for clones then it really is of no use to re Veg the same strain...
I have known peeps who do this with success and transplant in the late spring to outdoors as this would be the best time to set your plants up for e.g.; grow over the winter harvesting in spring revegging with the transplant to outdoors by the 3rd week of May.
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