Four Big Ways The Media Got The Marijuana Study Wrong

The General

New Member
You might have seen the recent headlines: "Cannabis as addictive as heroin, major new study finds," "Study finally demolishes claims that smoking pot is harmless," and "20 years of marijuana research shows ill effects of chronic use." I'm here to tell you: don't believe the hype. These media reports are shoddy, sensationalistic and plain wrong. I've read the original paper, and what it actually shows is that marijuana is remarkably safe! How can this be, you might ask? Good question! Let me show you the top four ways the lamestream media got the study results entirely backwards, making it seem as if cannabis is much more dangerous than the study results show, when put in proper context.

Every media report highlighted the study's claim that marijuana use doubles the risk of an automobile accident. OK, we'll give them half a point, because that is what the study reported. But not one reporter put that figure in context. You know what else doubles your risk of an accident? Having two or more passengers on board. A young person with three passengers has a four times greater chance of an accident, same thing if they're driving at night. Other things that increase your risk of accident in this range include being pregnant, and driving 65km/hr in a 60km/hr zone.

In comparison, a legal blood alcohol content of just 0.04% increases a young driver's chance of an automobile accident by about 20 TIMES, and that's low enough to pass a breathalyzer test! So the drunk can be 10 times as impaired as the pot smoker, and still be street legal. By this standard, cannabis seems much less worrisome. At the cut-off point of 0.05 BAC, a young person suffers a 30 times increase in accident risk. Meanwhile, texting while driving increases your chance of an accident by about 23 times. By neglecting to mention these figures, the media gave a false impression that the risk of using cannabis is on par with these other, much more risky behaviours.

Of course everyone should avoid any impediment to perfect driving, and that includes driving high or talking too much to the person next to you. But in terms of public policy, what this study really shows is that enforcement and education efforts should stop worrying about pot, and focus on the behaviours that are causing most of the accidents and injuries: drunk and distracted drivers.

Every media report went into detail about the study's effects of cannabis on the intellect, but again they focused on the wrong thing and got the story backwards. Media outlets claimed "regular cannabis use causes a person's IQ to drop over time" when the study found that marijuana use had no permanent effect on the IQ of people who started using cannabis as adults. The only group where there seemed to be some form of permanent IQ drop was "the small proportion of cannabis users who initiated in adolescence and persisted in daily use throughout their 20s and into their 30s."

So basically, only the kids who started smoking several joints a day starting around age 12 and continuing into their 30s had any cognitive issues. Everyone else was fine. The study says "No effects were found in those who initiated later, or in daily users who ceased use earlier in adulthood." So the headlines should actually have read "Study finds marijuana use has no long-term effect on the IQs of people who started using cannabis as adults" -- but where would be the fun in that?

The headlines blared that this study shows how marijuana causes schizophrenia and psychosis. But here's what the study actually has to say after analyzing 20 years of research on the issue: "It is difficult to decide whether cannabis use has had any effects on psychosis incidence, because even if the relationship were causal, cannabis use would produce a very modest increase in incidence."

The study also notes that there has been no public increase in rates of psychosis, while cannabis rates have increased dramatically. This indicates that cannabis does not cause schizophrenia, but that it might trigger problems in those few people who already have latent mental health issues. Once again, a comparison to alcohol's effects on the mind puts the very minimal risks of cannabis in perspective. There is significant loss of brain tissue in chronic alcoholics. Alcohol consumption is behind about 10% to 24% of all dementia cases, and about 25% of alcoholics develop panic and anxiety disorders. Even just alcohol withdrawal can cause psychosis and hallucinations.

What are some other things that put you at a definite risk of psychosis, unlike the difficult-to-find-because-it-isn't-there connection with cannabis? Well, serious psychosis risks include being born by caesarean, or with a forceps delivery, or just being born in the winter, or being raised in the city, being an immigrant or getting divorced. When the risks are put in perspective, we see that cannabis isn't so scary after all.

British newspaper the Telegraph ran their story on this study with the incredibly misleading headline "Cannabis as addictive as heroin." Of course the study makes no such claim! They simply state that cannabis can be "addicting" for some users, just like anything can be addicting, including alcohol and heroin. They define addicting as "experiencing difficulty stopping" without any reference to specific symptoms of the degree of difficulty. In fact, the study makes it clear that these substances have very different effects, and the study's author has even issued a statement that the media misinterpreted his results.

Heroin withdrawal symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting and fever, none of which occur with cannabis. For cannabis withdrawal, the study explains "the most common withdrawal symptoms include anxiety, insomnia, appetite disturbance and depression." Since cannabis is used medically to treat anxiety and sleep disorders, as well as to stimulate appetite and improve the mood, there's no wonder that stopping use will also stop these beneficial effects. However, for non-medical users, these mild withdrawal symptoms usually last for a few days at most.

Let's compare these mild symptoms to alcohol withdrawal. A heavy pot smoker who goes cold turkey might have trouble sleeping or working up an appetite, but alcohol withdrawal can cause tremors, hallucinations, seizures, brain damage and death! Woah, suddenly cannabis is looking pretty good! Withdrawal symptoms from a legal drug like Prozac can last for up to two months, and can include flu-like reactions, headaches, diarrhea, chills, fatigue, and dizziness, plus stranger symptoms like "hyperarousal" and "strange sensations of vision or touch." This is the kind of stuff doctors prescribe because they think cannabis is too risky! So there you have it folks. Once again we se how lazy reporting and a bias towards sensationalism stokes the flames of cannabis fear without any basis in fact.


News Moderator - The General @ 420 MAGAZINE ®
Author: Dana Larsen
Contact: Contact Us
Website: Four Big Ways the Media Got the Marijuana Study Wrong-|-Dana Larsen
As reported by Consumer Affairs on 10/13/14: The results of a study by the University of Illinois showed that "Driving alone was the safest option. No distractions. While having a passenger helped here and there — they helped locate exits and road signs — overall they proved to be a negative."
This is well understood, which is why bus drivers and subway drivers, etc. are not supposed to communicate with passengers while moving. Also why pilots don't permit off-topic discussions during critical phases of flight, or non-pilots in the cockpit during those periods. Nothing new here. This has been fully understood for many decades of time.

The fact that cars are designed to maximize internal distractions as opposed to minimizing them is bizarre, and one of the key reasons for the high accident rate. Dozen of buttons on the entertainment system alone, not to mention screens to read, etc. Crazy. Toss in phones and talkative friends and you've got a horrific mess. Add pot or booze (or anything else) on top, and it's ridiculously unmanageable.

An experienced driver, driving alone without distractions, can handle being pretty stoned and still drive safer than straight drivers with distractions in the car, or so has been my observation during my nearly 50 years of driving and toking.

All the more reason to keep the legal toking age at 21 (or above). 30 would be an even better lower age limit. This is not a drug for the kiddies.

As reported by Consumer Affairs on 10/13/14: The results of a study by the University of Illinois showed that "Driving alone was the safest option. No distractions. While having a passenger helped here and there — they helped locate exits and road signs — overall they proved to be a negative."
This is well understood, which is why bus drivers and subway drivers, etc. are not supposed to communicate with passengers while moving. Also why pilots don't permit off-topic discussions during critical phases of flight, or non-pilots in the cockpit during those periods. Nothing new here. This has been fully understood for many decades of time.

The fact that cars are designed to maximize internal distractions as opposed to minimizing them is bizarre, and one of the key reasons for the high accident rate. Dozen of buttons on the entertainment system alone, not to mention screens to read, etc. Crazy. Toss in phones and talkative friends and you've got a horrific mess. Add pot or booze (or anything else) on top, and it's ridiculously unmanageable.

An experienced driver, driving alone without distractions, can handle being pretty stoned and still drive safer than straight drivers with distractions in the car, or so has been my observation during my nearly 50 years of driving and toking.

All the more reason to keep the legal toking age at 21 (or above). 30 would be an even better lower age limit. This is not a drug for the kiddies.

There are a lot of medical and emotional reasons to partake of cannabis before 30.
Mandatory cannabis smoking in middle school would probably improve the youth of the USA.
There are a lot of medical and emotional reasons to partake of cannabis before 30.
Mandatory cannabis smoking in middle school would probably improve the youth of the USA.

Nice thing about recreational drugs (as opposed to pharmaceuticals) is that we can have logical paths that arrive at opposite positions. It's possible you are correct, but I'm more concerned in this article with the implications on performance of inexperienced drivers.

Love your screen name by the way, although I prefer to spell the name of my favorite wizard the way Tolkien did: Radagast. Given my retired lifestyle (wandering in the forest and mountains stoned with my dogs for company), I'm a lot closer to Radagast the Brown than I am to any Grey or White wizards. Except that three good Labradors beat a bunch of Rhosgobel rabbits any day.
i am 50 years old and have had one accident in my entire life (that was my fault)
it was while working and not using any mind altering substance

i was from the poor side of the tracks
friends turned me on to my first doobie at 12 years old
smoked sporadically until i started full time work at 18
at this time i would estimate i smoked 95% of all my days
until around the age of 30 (started a family)

according to this study i am a dumbass so what do i know

lol i am sure i was crazy before maryjane ever came into my life
and living 50 years with humans didn't help a bit

when my son was born i quit cold turkey
i did miss my friend but never depressed
i slept well
and my waistline tells me i had very little trouble eating
at 47 years i began growing my own and partaking again
did my addiction hibernate for a few decades?
I am a 66 year old male, been smoking pot most of my life. I can honestly say when I am high, driving alone I am totally focused on my driving. I'm not racing like I did when I was a dumb ass driving drunk. Thanks to my guardian angel I lived through the DWI years. There was an interesting television thing where they took a young inexperienced pot smoker and an older pot smoker - took them out on a driving course with cones. The young inexperienced pot smoker killed almost all the cones - the more experienced pot smoker easily handled the course without touching a cone. Point is had they both been given alcohol prior to the test - we can all imagine the results.

As for the mental aspect of smoking weed - I find myself a bit forgetful at times but I am not sure I can blame the weed or old age...maybe a little of both. I vape every day. Anyone else my age have the same problem?
THE biggest reason for not smoking while or before driving is those 30 cops that follow me once I get behind the wheel stoned.... I'll pass and haven't driven stoned since my teen years.. Ohhh yeah and I started smoking at age 12 during my high school days I smoked every day for a few years and on into my adult hood. Did it effect my IQ? Probably in a positive way, in that I see life a bit more objectively and make that a lot more objectively than those farts that wrote the original article. Why don't they compare smoking cannabis to smoking tobacco?? That's more of a fair comparison, but the ill effects of tobacco which is legal FAR out distance any ill effects of cannabis. Comparing cannabis to heroin that's just totally crazy... who thinks these things up and more importantly why? Haters gonna hate and hang with all the buzz kills ta boot, sheesh.

Here's a good topic for those idiots: Increased addiction to Heroin due to crack down on prescription pain meds!

The road to hell is paved with good intention (definitely not paved in cannabis).

ANYTHING you would do daily is an addiction.
Shower addicts: (I take three a day)
Blunt Smokers: (I roll three before lunch)
Sock addicts: (I must wear two pairs)
Just like anything else though you can stop smoking weed at anytime.
I haven't blew down in 2 months, but once I harvest I will be?
E) All Of The Above
Bobrown14 said: "Here's a good topic for those idiots: Increased addiction to Heroin due to crack down on prescription pain meds!"

But today in USAToday, we have this from Michael Botticelli (acting director of the White House's Office of National Drug Control Policy): Clamping down on one drug doesn't drive people to another, Botticelli says.

Are we supposed to take this guy (our recovering-alcoholic-drug-czar) seriously?

You shouldn't mix alcohol and bud, just like you shouldn't mix beer and rum. Just like you shouldn't mix alcohol and prescription pain meds. And as it turns out, the opioid "epidemic" is about mixing pain meds with benzodiazepines and alcohol. In fact, according to one of the charts included with the CDC article (named below), benzodiazepines are a much bigger problem than pain medications.

(Alcohol Involvement in Opioid Pain Reliever and Benzodiazepine Drug Abuse—Related Emergency Department Visits and Drug-Related Deaths – United States, 2010)

The criminalization of pain patients by the DEA, and now doctors, is allegedly due to the abuse of pain meds. Everyone and their cousin is cracking down on prescription pain meds, and even the CDC is now recommending that doctors only prescribe opioids for cancer pain and end-of-life care. And the CDC is making this recommendation during a sharp increase in the overall suicide rate (when looking from the 1970s up to currently available statistics).

Botticelli, in Maine last week (passing out more federal money for the drug war) goes on to look even more ridiculous (as reported by the Portland Press Herald):

In remarks made Wednesday ahead of the town hall meeting, Botticelli said the nationwide trend toward legalization of marijuana is making it harder for health care and law enforcement officials to fight the nation's most dangerous drug problem — rampant abuse of prescription opioids. Botticelli's visit to the state came less than a month before voters in South Portland and Lewiston will decide whether to join Maine's largest city in legalizing marijuana for recreational use by adults.

Comparing marijuana to prescription opioid abuse? Please.

But it gets better, as Botticelli continues: Fewer than 5% of prescription painkiller abusers move on to heroin, and the proportion of deaths from the drug is much smaller, he says.

Sure, I was taken in by the reports of this "epidemic," but... no longer.

Okay, sorry for the rant, I'm done now. :)
In the city we live in - there's been a large enough increase in Heroin abuse/overdose that the police are now carrying Narcan. Reports say the increase is due to the crackdown on opioid prescription limitations/crackdown. I know "they" (the medical community) have been limiting opioid prescriptions as I have personal experience with that. They would rather I suffer in pain (knee surgery) in recovery. They will give you one prescription with no refill, that's it. Used to be we could get a re-fill all you had to do was call, now no re-fills and the doctors will prescribe a different pain med other than an additive opioid. I've got first hand experience there. Apparently there's lots of folks addicted to the opioid pain meds and now its much cheaper to get heroin in stead. Probably due to the fact that we were at war in Afghanistan - opioid capital of the world. Think about why heroin is MUCH cheaper much more pure and much more available. Maybe we should ask the Russians how it all worked out for them in the 80s - Russia had the same exact problem. Its not that funny when history repeats itself in such a negative way so quickly and our politicians NEVER seem to get it.

A change in politics from the status quo do absolutely NOTHING (unless its about going to war) has to change.

Politicians would rather sit around and argue the MIS-conceptions of cannabis abuse instead of actually doing something beneficial for the people whom hired them to pass laws to improve our community and our world.

Vote the way to change.
In the city we live in - there's been a large enough increase in Heroin abuse/overdose that the police are now carrying Narcan. Reports say the increase is due to the crackdown on opioid prescription limitations/crackdown. I know "they" (the medical community) have been limiting opioid prescriptions as I have personal experience with that. They would rather I suffer in pain (knee surgery) in recovery. They will give you one prescription with no refill, that's it. Used to be we could get a re-fill all you had to do was call, now no re-fills and the doctors will prescribe a different pain med other than an additive opioid. I've got first hand experience there. Apparently there's lots of folks addicted to the opioid pain meds and now its much cheaper to get heroin in stead. Probably due to the fact that we were at war in Afghanistan - opioid capital of the world. Think about why heroin is MUCH cheaper much more pure and much more available. Maybe we should ask the Russians how it all worked out for them in the 80s - Russia had the same exact problem. Its not that funny when history repeats itself in such a negative way so quickly and our politicians NEVER seem to get it.

A change in politics from the status quo do absolutely NOTHING (unless its about going to war) has to change.

Politicians would rather sit around and argue the MIS-conceptions of cannabis abuse instead of actually doing something beneficial for the people whom hired them to pass laws to improve our community and our world.

Vote the way to change.

Whenever there is a sudden increase in the availability of an unlawful drug, consider the CIA. It happens.
:rip: Hi my names Richard. By the time most of you read this I will be doing at leased a year for violating my parole for a positive drug test for Cannabis. The parole is also Cannabis related. I'm pleading with you all to spread the true message about what's really going on. open the dOOr. :idea: and your eyes to the big picture. The media is owned by the same viruses that own the pharmacy company's, tobacco company's, oil company's, liquor company's, false monetary establishments ( federal reserve ) ext..... That are the main ones stuffing money and giving reach arounds in your politicians deep never ending pockets. Not you. They have the ability to reach millions with the deception, lies, and manipulation bashing Cannabises good name when ever they get the chance. Do something about it. Print out true information that will expose what's going on. And pass it out to everyone or attach it to cars ext. I've done all I can up till now and learned the truth in the process. And opened thousands of people's minds to wtf is really going on along the path of knowledge. Cannabis is a gateway. A gateway to a better understanding of life and the best kept secret of all time. Now it's time to pass the joint to whoevers reading and believes in absolute freedom and still has hope. :passitleft::passitleft::passitleft::passitleft::passitleft::passitleft::passitleft::passitleft::passitleft::passitleft: keep passing the info and exposing the lies. But hurry there foots pressing down harder than ever on our necks. Hello do you hear me knocking??? :wood:
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