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Texas Expands MMJ Program

Texas cancer patients and people with PTSD will soon be able to join state’s expanded medical marijuana program. A new law going into effect...

Long Island Pot Deliveries Raise Legal Questions

Two companies — one based on the East End, the other in upstate New York — have begun delivering recreational cannabis to customers on...

America Is Giving Away The $30 Billion Medical Marijuana Industry

Lyle Craker is an unlikely advocate for any political cause, let alone one as touchy as marijuana law, and that’s precisely why Rick Doblin...

Legal Pot Business Owners Ponder The Possibility Of Death Row After...

In a move apparently designed to appease President Trump’s recent promise to execute narcotics traffickers, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions this week released a...

With U.S. Competition Hurting Its Marijuana Business, Mexico Warms A Little...

For decades, marijuana flowed in one direction across the U.S.-Mexico border: north. These days, drug enforcement agents regularly seize specialty strains of retail-quality cannabis grown...

Brazil Approves Oral CBD Product Under New Rules

Brazil’s health authorities have authorized a THC-free oral CBD product, an important milestone for the cannabis industry in Latin America’s largest economy. The oral solution...

California High Court: No Pot In Prison

The California's high court has ruled that prison inmates cannot legally possess marijuana behind bars under the state’s 2016 law allowing recreational pot Prison inmates...

Women Shaping The Cannabis Industry

The percentage of women who held executive level positions in the cannabis industry was a staggering 36% in 2015, according to a reader survey...

Medical Cannabis Was Legalised In The UK A Year Ago: For...

This time last year, people with multiple sclerosis (MS) were given a glimmer of hope when it became legal for doctors to prescribe medicinal...

NJ Marijuana Legalization: Should Employers Drop Drug Tests

Employers would have a tougher time disciplining medical marijuana users who test positive for cannabis under a bill introduced by New Jersey lawmakers. The bill,...

Kansas Farmers Ditching Hemp Grown For CBD

Fewer Kansas farmers are signing up to grow hemp each year, likely because of the diminishing demand for CBD oil. But hemp advocates say...

Adams Announces New Crackdown On Illegal Pot Shops’ Landlords

The latest in a series of enforcement and education announcements from Adams comes as New York estimates there are about 1,500 unlicensed operations, competing...

How Much Is Too Much With Marijuana Edibles? Nevada Industry Shares...

Open a pack of convenience store gummy candies and it’s hard not to grab a handful at a time to satisfy your craving. But doing...

Competition Bureau Recommends Changing Edibles’ THC Limits

Canada's Competition Bureau recommends changing THC limits for edibles, easing pot packagingCanada's competition watchdog is putting its weight behind some longtime cannabis industry asks...

It’s Not Whether Maryland Will Legalize Marijuana, But When. How Matters,...

There isn’t a better reader of the tea lives in Annapolis than Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller. He’s been saying for a couple...

MMJ Investors In Mississippi Focus On Lab Testing

‘Building an Industry’: MMJ Investors Focus On Lab Testing For Patient SafetyPharmacist Cliff Osbon of Madison became passionate about legalizing medical marijuana in Mississippi...

420 Magazine’s Plant of the Month May 2024

Major Props to our member @beez0404 and his amazing Cap Junky plant, earning the distinguished “Plant Of The Month” Title and Badge and...

420 Magazine’s Photo of the Month May 2024

edited May 2024 Photo Of The Month Winner
Congratulations are in order for our member @InTheShed and his amazing photo of the month titled "Cap Junky Post-Transplant Tears", earning the...

420 Magazine’s Nug of the Month May 2024

Props to our member @HappyHazmat88 and his beautiful frosty Mystery Nug​, earning the honorable “Nug of the Month” badge and the...

420 Magazine’s Grow Journal of the Month May 2024

May 2024 Grow Journal Of The Month Winner @StoneOtter
Congratulations to our member @StoneOtter and his winning Grow Journal of the Month, earning the distinguished “Grow Journal of the Month”...

420 Magazine’s Member of the Month May 2024

Congratulations are in order for @Tokin Roll, our 420 Magazine Member of the Month, earning the distinguished “Member of the...