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Posted in the blog: 200th Post
I just realized the last blog entry was my 200th. Who'd a thunk it... FE
Posted in the blog: Basing it off the Trichomes!
So as the title says. I am now running things well enough to base harvest off trich's. I have two plants the SD and HG69 that I certainly would have cut down by now under normal old procedures. Nope these two still have crystal clear trich's So I must wait... Partially in the past I had issue's...
So time has been scarce recently as I had family up for a few days. I managed to check on things and do a few small things but not alot. So last night or so I have managed to invest more time... I ran all my tubs empty... slightly cleaned inside each and started with fresh stuff again. DTW...
So yah there are going to be at least 6 straight weekly harvests coming soon... well close to it.. I just started to flush the ACDC yesterday. I am cutting it early... It doesnt need to develop trich's You can smoke it in veg for the cannboids are present I was told... So as you will see later...
So that is the catchy title to suck you in.. But wait that isn't until later in the show... That way you have to make it through the whole episode.. Capiche? ;) So things are still rocking it out..... first off i built the Aero cloner.. Lets take a look at that... It's loaded...
Posted in the blog: No slowing down on this one!
So as the title says... Things are still plugging along as it is suppose to happen. I switched my veg light to 6 hours off mid day. For one it is a 500 watt veg light... lol .. It's not critical but I will use a good amount less energy on it. saves money. Plus it is starting to feel like...
Posted in the blog: The Kind of Weekly Pic Update!
So I had a moment in the grow tonight to snap up some pics. I added 10 gallons to flower and veg yesterday so I could add bennies tonight but I think I will wait a few days as I had added them just a few days ago. Things are good and the air stones are looking good so the bad bacteria is being...
Posted in the blog: So - What to do?
Ok so I still haven't decided what to do for next group into flower.. well the next two or three plants are booked ;) but beyond that... not really sure still if I want to continue to run clones or pop more beans. The next bean order isnt in yet as other need too the funds but it will be soon...
Posted in the blog: Some pretty impressive growth!
Ok so pic time! But first I need to feed you some info... The Ph was barely above normal 6.3/5 so I did a minot correction. Either the batch of bennies where not strong enough or I am running pretty clean because this time the PH settled in 24 hours. I like it but need to make sure it is...
Posted in the blog: That's how it is suppose to be!
So I had to go on a 4 day business trip half way across the great country of ours this week so I have not been around... It was a great test of my system. I looked forward to seeing how things progressed when I got back and how stable things would be while I was gone... So the results...
Posted in the blog: So where was I?
Before all this madness started with the pythium? well I don't know what to call it.. It wasn't Pyth according to my grow buddy. He did show me pics of exactly what it was from others and explained it but it was sensory overload when a experienced grower is critiquing your grow. Yup I had a...
Posted in the blog: Reach for the Sky!
Evening folks! Got some serious stretching going on over this way! I have the desire to be running a new strain consistently.. And I forget the SD and the HG are untested and first run is going on now.... Look Used a diff camera so all the pics are a little weird.. Not sure if...
Posted in the blog: White Widow Down!
So I just cut it and hung the whole plant. I will cut it up tonight. Only 4? 5? huge buds.. small plant but i bet those are gonna be sweet. Those nugs did get dense... My last couple weeks procedures are doing well... I needed to run this one longer etc but it was part of the bad batch so early...
Ok so I happen to have some time here to do an update and some pics... so here we go... First off my concern and dilemma are sort of the same... With a live res the PH is rising daily. I can add PH down and it will rise up the next day. I keep correcting it but the health of the res and...
Posted in the blog: BK down
BK got bagged up last night will chop it tonight... I think it was getting nanners... no I am actually sure of it but looks like thy have not popped yet so could be lucky... Tonight I will give a bath to everyone in flower just to be safe... Well just the two next to her.. the two on the other...
Posted in the blog: Finally something with pics
So I finally snapped some pics.... Things are really turning around well... So here is Veg dont forget everything is still far from perfect they are all recovering... This is the whole room shot of the veg table but lets look closer... This is an ACDC clone that is doing...
Posted in the blog: Note on Coco
Coco is an working superb for me. I transplanted a TW,PC and ACDC into bigger pots last night and I was correct. The roots love the coco. They are all getting nice white protected buy coco roots. It might even help keep the pythium in check some as the roots would not be that healthy if it was...
Posted in the blog: Inbetweener
So things look good today.... The res foam has died down slightly... As with everytime i have changed the res things look good. I change it and usually it is 4-5 days before things go awry again so we'll be patient and watch. Hopefully the growth continues. I do think Veg has not had nearly the...
Posted in the blog: The battle continues!
So you may be able to guess it from the title...I have zero idea how but the pyth is back... Seriously.. I caught it very early this time but everything had to be redone again... All new air stones again and all.. But this time I added live stuff .. yup I went live... Great White Hygrozyme...
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