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Posted in the blog: Over-fertilization?
Not sure just yet but may have over-fertilized so i flush with water lightly, i.e. ran water until flowed out from bottom.
Posted in the blog: Been awhile
I may have gained too much confidence and layed off the blog for awhile, but I have good news! Everybody is doing great! Gene, George and Ashley have begun the flowering phase and look good, though I am concerned with a sexing problem. Not sure if I have a hermie or male or female. Hope to find...
Posted in the blog: Vitamins
Yesterday I gave Gene and Ashley (yeah she's fighting the circumstances) a vitamin spray yesterday, haven't checked on them yet but I expect moderate results. It's about time for them to go to sleep so If anything peculiar is going on I'll be back in a few to update this.
Posted in the blog: Bye Ashley
Well Im going to destroy ashley and her soil and start fresh with a hydro system I've been working on with Aerogarden (not yet endorsed:) Anyway I need new names and if anybody reading this besides me has anything creative to toss my way thanks. Gene is looking good over there with his cousin...
Posted in the blog: Characteristics of ?
Have no Idea what is going on with Black Ashley. Any advice, comments, suggestions?
Posted in the blog: Lookin Good
Got Gene back up to par and Looney is lookin good too. Black Ashley and co. (more info later) haven't shown up yet but hopefully soon.
Posted in the blog: Lowered Humidity
I got the humidity back down to around 47% with an intake fan I made from an ooolllldddd computer;). Eugene looks to be struggling but his neighbor seems to be taking off better than expected. Haven't needed to water either (3-4 days) I may need to construct a more sturdy design.
Posted in the blog: help baby eugene.
he got a little burned on the bigger tips and got cut as u'll c.
Posted in the blog: Baby Eugene
First ever post to any blog, but besides that can anyone offer any advice, and/or comments on my grow attempt. I think i got it though, using blood meal in my soil from seedlings germinated in water. Perlite, Sphagnum, peat moss. Which is first bloodmeal, or bonemeal. Thanks. P.S. My profile...
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