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Posted in the blog: Air flow in small spaces
This is often a confusing question. Best to think of it this way, if I put 3 fans blowing in and 2 fans blowing out at 100 cfm each .... how much air is blowing in ? it's not 300 how much air is blowing out ? It's not 200 If those answers were true the case would explode. fans like...
Posted in the blog: Sexing Tip Links
Posted in the blog: Links....
Just something I wanted to remember where I got it... What are the benefits of hydroponics? A hydroponic system is efficient at delivering nutrients, water, and air to the roots of the plant. This has three benefits: The roots don't need that much space to spread-out... [eyeroll] Ok, I was harsh and being a dick. I will say, only because I felt like like the response was so disrespectful I had a hard time believing it. I really have a button that I don't like too much. I...
Posted in the blog: Slowly they turned....
As usual, out here on the plains, things move slowly. Received the Seeediuno Ethernet board. Nice little thing. It is missing the micro-SD card, but that shouldn't' be a big problem. The LCD screen coming has one. Also did come to the conclusion that the AtMel 168 has too little RAM to do...
Posted in the blog: waiting.....
Received news the Ethernet board has shipped. Should be here on Wednesday. I also found a 2.3 LCD screen with a shield to attach to the Arduino. Though it requires a lot of digital pins to drive it. So I ordered a Arduino Mega clone from them too. Seems they are in China, we'll see how long it...
Posted in the blog: The Controller
I received my Seeeduino board in. Also a prototype board to design the circuits on .Still waiting for the ehternet card, as it is back ordered for a month. I've played around with it, added a RealTimeClock circuit for it. I did get eh smaller board a AtMel 168 instead of a AtMel368. I...
Posted in the blog: Where have I been
Last Posting was back in August. I had thought to start putting my thoughts here to help plan out the stages of making my grow room. AND IT DIDN'T HAPPEN!! oh well...:tokin: Since then I've had two harvest. First was over five z's, and the second was just short five, but with half the...
Posted in the blog: 420 Magazine Forum Links
Posted in the blog: Burgeoning on the Prairie
I should of started this months ago..... Do you ever hear your self saying that? I do all the time. Procrastination is a deadly disease that afflicts many of us, but we strive to continuely it away. I'm thinking a blog will be much better for me than a journal. Staying up with it every...
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