Blog entries by JJ Bones

Posted in the blog: Just Keep Going, Never Give Up
I am going through so many changes in my life right now it is overwhelming to say the least. I cannot get into detail about them at this time, however I am writing this post to just remind everyone to keep going. A lot of things happen in life, we're faced with trials and tribulations on a...
Posted in the blog: Does Compassion Still Exist?
Recently oil/budder/shatter/wax has taken off in a big way. More and more patients are joining the '710' movement for many reasons. Some people find that it gets them higher without having to smoke as much, others enjoy it for the vaporizing aspect, some just plain like the idea of new things to...
Posted in the blog: Many claims, less truths
Discovering the truths behind the industry claims You know I always kind of knew that there were some companies in the hydro industry whom had bullshit claims. However it never really hit me how many of these businesses could be pulling this stuff off. Now, I'm not here to give my opinion...
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