Blog entries by TorturedSoul

Posted in the blog: Absit Iniuria Verbis
Absit iniuria verbis. That's latin and directly translated to English, it means let injury by words be absent. IOW, the phrase expresses the wish that no insult or wrong be conveyed by the speaker's words, i.e., "no offense". Also, absit invidia. Translated, let ill will be absent. Although...
Posted in the blog: The 40:60 Rule
The 40:60 rule is very useful. It states that when flowering natural (NON-autoflowering) strains under constant 12/12 light/darkness, that the plant will "stretch" for the first 40% of its complete flowering period. Note that this also assumes that the plant in question is a mature one...
Posted in the blog: Cubic Feet to Gallons
Ever wonder how much soil you need to fill a five gallon bucket? Approximately .668 cubic feet. 1 cu ft = 7.48 gal 1 gallon = 0.13369 cubic feet.
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