cause leafy says so.

cause leafy says so.

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Reactions: BeanTownFan420
I feel all cannabis has the same and different effects on individuals during different times of day the mood your in or even how much you have or have not eaten or drank in a day even sleep you have had all interact on its effects so to point some one in any direction based on name or strain or sativa or indica is futile.My two cents and i have smoked and grown it all over time.
oh that's fantastic! i completely agree, see your points and feel like deleting maybe 1000 instances of my askin.
do u have a fav, high thc (just an oil outcome preference), indica u enjoy growin simply for its simplicity, resistance, etc. and not necessarily quantity, but more- u felt they were sayin thank u, each day...?
really enjoyed amnesia, i forget-"'98", the black domina and atf.
I grow my favs Hong Kong for its amazingly intense high with thc at 24% on average and fruity pebbles for flavor alone is the best i have ever had.
i messed up fp. somebody humped her and i didn't flush, long enough. the seeds- grower is happy. were a few suspects, at the time: nanners... ty. I'll have to try h.k.
aero... "2 days"... pft- not in my lifetime. seen it a few places, too. now, i go advanced's flawless flush, a wk. ro - a wk... and if i still haven't pulled my hair out- another water wk. it all hits, just like breathing, now; not that i do, often, but i do a burn n rip test, as well.

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