My First Three Clones

My First Three Clones

lt;strongThe clones in the small grow-bags were started on 15 April 2016. Once I have harvested the first generation of these Black Indica plants, I will take a few more cuttings from the cloned, second generation and will try my first quot;Clone-to-Harvest Indoor Growquot; later in the winter. The first generation I started indoors and then shifted to outdoors in May when the weather turned;/strong
lt;strongTo clone the plants during mid-vegetative cycle, I did what I do when I clone any type of plant:lt;/strong
lt;ul style=quot;list-style-type: circle;quot;
lt;lilt;strongI used sterilized scisssors to take cuttings from my three hardiest Black Indica clones.amp;nbsp;lt;/stronglt;/li
lt;lilt;strongI soaked rockwool cubes for twenty minutes in filtered tap water with the juice of one squeezed lemon for Ph;/stronglt;/li
lt;lilt;strongI then transferred the rockwool cubes to a makeshift mini-green house, an upside-down plastic storage container with a thoroughly soaked cloth towel on the lid.amp;nbsp;lt;/stronglt;/li
lt;lilt;strongThen I dipped the cuttings into some rooting gel and placed them in the rockwool;/stronglt;/li
lt;lilt;strongI label and date everything.amp;nbsp;lt;/stronglt;/li
lt;lilt;strongThe clones are from 1D, 1c, and 2C (quot;1quot; and quot;2quot; plants were germinated within one week of each other in early January 2016)lt;/stronglt;/li
lt;lilt;strongAt the same time I cloned these Black Indicas, I also cloned basil plants--all were very happy with one;/stronglt;/li
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